The transition from the teacher education institution to life in a real classroom has been characterized as a type of reality shock in which beginning teachers realize that the ideals they formed while training may not be appropriate for the realism they are faced with during. their first year of teaching (Farrell, 2003). Unfortunately, this concern is not fully addressed in schools in Malaysia as beginning teachers have the same responsibility as a teacher with many years of service. Marshall et'the (1990) suggest that it is not until they have survived the initial shock of the first year that novices are able to begin to concentrate on the important areas of long-term planning, overall student goals, and individual students' needs. This ...
For novice EFL lecturers, the early years of teaching are quite challenging, as what they find ‘idea...
Abstract: This study investigates the challenges sixteen non-native preservice ESL teachers in a Bac...
ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to investigate adaptation challenges of novice teachers duri...
This study investigates the challenges encountered by Malaysian English language novice teachers thr...
Beginning teachers experience various challenges as they strive to develop their teaching in new env...
This study investigates novice non-native English teachers’ opinions about the effectiveness of thei...
Beginning teachers experience various challenges as they strive to develop their teaching in new env...
This study aims to investigate the experience that faced by novice English teacher in teaching Engli...
This study aims to unrevealing the challenges of novice English teachers in English teaching. This r...
The first year of teaching can be regarded as a challenging and testing time as teachers may face nu...
Issues and problems faced by novice teachers have long been questions of great interest in the field...
The paper aims to provide insights into the current understanding of the challenges faced by in-serv...
The principal aim of this study is to investigate the experience of novice English language teachers...
Teachers often describe their first teaching job following graduation as a shocking experience. This...
Issues and problems faced by novice teachers have long been questions of great interest ...
For novice EFL lecturers, the early years of teaching are quite challenging, as what they find ‘idea...
Abstract: This study investigates the challenges sixteen non-native preservice ESL teachers in a Bac...
ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to investigate adaptation challenges of novice teachers duri...
This study investigates the challenges encountered by Malaysian English language novice teachers thr...
Beginning teachers experience various challenges as they strive to develop their teaching in new env...
This study investigates novice non-native English teachers’ opinions about the effectiveness of thei...
Beginning teachers experience various challenges as they strive to develop their teaching in new env...
This study aims to investigate the experience that faced by novice English teacher in teaching Engli...
This study aims to unrevealing the challenges of novice English teachers in English teaching. This r...
The first year of teaching can be regarded as a challenging and testing time as teachers may face nu...
Issues and problems faced by novice teachers have long been questions of great interest in the field...
The paper aims to provide insights into the current understanding of the challenges faced by in-serv...
The principal aim of this study is to investigate the experience of novice English language teachers...
Teachers often describe their first teaching job following graduation as a shocking experience. This...
Issues and problems faced by novice teachers have long been questions of great interest ...
For novice EFL lecturers, the early years of teaching are quite challenging, as what they find ‘idea...
Abstract: This study investigates the challenges sixteen non-native preservice ESL teachers in a Bac...
ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to investigate adaptation challenges of novice teachers duri...