Design of robust aircraft structure requires consideration of the load-carrying capability with large damage. Large notches, typically introduced as machined cracks (aka "notches") severing a single skin bay and a central stiffening member, are often used to conservatively address the wide range of possible large damage scenarios. The objective of the current effort was to develop more generalized and rapid analysis methods addressing large-notch residual strength of stiffened panels to support preliminary design activities.
Aeronautical composite stiffened structures have the capability to carry loads deep into postbucklin...
Transport fuselage structures are designed to contain pressure following a large penetrating damage ...
The design and analysis of stiffened composite panel that is representative of the fuselage structur...
Large notch damage usually consists of failed or completely severed stiffeners or spars, or chord wi...
Wide-bodied transport aircraft are susceptible to the problem of fatigue cracking of the pressurized...
Composite skin-stiffened structures can withstand significant loads after initial buckling has occur...
Peer Reviewed
Tests were conducted on over 200 center-crack specimens to evaluate: (a) the tension-fracture perfor...
This paper presents the first results in an assessment of the strength, stiffness, and damage tolera...
The initial fracture propagation within a full-scale stiffened quasi-isotropic composite panel and c...
An elastic-plastic finite-element analysis with a critical crack-tip opening angle (CTOA) fracture c...
Blade-stiffened skin designs have the potential to produce highly efficient composite structures pro...
The results of an analytical and experimental investigation of the failure of composite is tiffener ...
New skin alloys are being developed that are both damage tolerant and strong in compression. At the ...
This paper presents the effect of stiffener damage on Carbon Fibre Reinforced Composite (CFRP) stiff...
Aeronautical composite stiffened structures have the capability to carry loads deep into postbucklin...
Transport fuselage structures are designed to contain pressure following a large penetrating damage ...
The design and analysis of stiffened composite panel that is representative of the fuselage structur...
Large notch damage usually consists of failed or completely severed stiffeners or spars, or chord wi...
Wide-bodied transport aircraft are susceptible to the problem of fatigue cracking of the pressurized...
Composite skin-stiffened structures can withstand significant loads after initial buckling has occur...
Peer Reviewed
Tests were conducted on over 200 center-crack specimens to evaluate: (a) the tension-fracture perfor...
This paper presents the first results in an assessment of the strength, stiffness, and damage tolera...
The initial fracture propagation within a full-scale stiffened quasi-isotropic composite panel and c...
An elastic-plastic finite-element analysis with a critical crack-tip opening angle (CTOA) fracture c...
Blade-stiffened skin designs have the potential to produce highly efficient composite structures pro...
The results of an analytical and experimental investigation of the failure of composite is tiffener ...
New skin alloys are being developed that are both damage tolerant and strong in compression. At the ...
This paper presents the effect of stiffener damage on Carbon Fibre Reinforced Composite (CFRP) stiff...
Aeronautical composite stiffened structures have the capability to carry loads deep into postbucklin...
Transport fuselage structures are designed to contain pressure following a large penetrating damage ...
The design and analysis of stiffened composite panel that is representative of the fuselage structur...