These two studies show that the ideological tug-of-war over the Victorian novel is far from over, an...
This is a review of this book from an Indian angle and has comments on the dumbing down of literary ...
A review of Frances Burney’s Cecilia: A Publishing History, by Catherine M. Parisian, published by A...
Review of Rachel Hewitt's book 'A revolution of feeling: the decade that forged the modern mind
At the centre of David Worrall’s Theatric Revolution a striking tableau is unveiled. It is around 18...
The Poetics of Sensibility: A Revolution in Poetic Style (Jerome McGann) (Reviewed by Benjamin Fried...
In The New Elizabethan Age: Culture, Society and National Identity after World War II, editors Irene...
Heterosexuality is celebrated – in film and television, in pop songs and opera, in literature and on...
The art of representing feeling within a fictional character, and of eliciting response from the rea...
A review of Povinelli, Elizabeth (2006) The Empire of Love: Toward a Theory of Intimacy, Genealogy a...
Janis Stout’s Cather Among the Moderns and Julie Olin-Ammentorp’s Edith Wharton, Willa Cath...
Reviewed Title: Gaukroger, Stephen. The Emergence of a Scientific Culture: Science and the Shaping o...
Book review. In this groundbreaking study, Sydney Janet Kaplan investigates the triangular relations...
How can we explain the apparent rise in hatred in societies around the world? In Age of Anger: A His...
Amy Hollywood, Sensible Ecstasy: Mysticism, Sexual Difference, and the Demands of History. Chicago: ...
These two studies show that the ideological tug-of-war over the Victorian novel is far from over, an...
This is a review of this book from an Indian angle and has comments on the dumbing down of literary ...
A review of Frances Burney’s Cecilia: A Publishing History, by Catherine M. Parisian, published by A...
Review of Rachel Hewitt's book 'A revolution of feeling: the decade that forged the modern mind
At the centre of David Worrall’s Theatric Revolution a striking tableau is unveiled. It is around 18...
The Poetics of Sensibility: A Revolution in Poetic Style (Jerome McGann) (Reviewed by Benjamin Fried...
In The New Elizabethan Age: Culture, Society and National Identity after World War II, editors Irene...
Heterosexuality is celebrated – in film and television, in pop songs and opera, in literature and on...
The art of representing feeling within a fictional character, and of eliciting response from the rea...
A review of Povinelli, Elizabeth (2006) The Empire of Love: Toward a Theory of Intimacy, Genealogy a...
Janis Stout’s Cather Among the Moderns and Julie Olin-Ammentorp’s Edith Wharton, Willa Cath...
Reviewed Title: Gaukroger, Stephen. The Emergence of a Scientific Culture: Science and the Shaping o...
Book review. In this groundbreaking study, Sydney Janet Kaplan investigates the triangular relations...
How can we explain the apparent rise in hatred in societies around the world? In Age of Anger: A His...
Amy Hollywood, Sensible Ecstasy: Mysticism, Sexual Difference, and the Demands of History. Chicago: ...
These two studies show that the ideological tug-of-war over the Victorian novel is far from over, an...
This is a review of this book from an Indian angle and has comments on the dumbing down of literary ...
A review of Frances Burney’s Cecilia: A Publishing History, by Catherine M. Parisian, published by A...