BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Rumination is a factor in the development and maintenance of body dissatisfaction. However, no study has yet investigated the impact of the type of rumination on body image. The first aim of this study was to examine whether the induction of analytic-abstract vs. concrete-experiential rumination affects body dissatisfaction following an induction of negative body image. The second objective was to examine gender differences in these effects. METHODS: Following induction of negative body image, 102 university undergraduates were randomly assigned to one of three experimental conditions-distraction, concrete rumination or abstract rumination. RESULTS: As expected, there were significant main effects of gender and co...
Rumination is a maladaptive coping style that has been found to be associated with several negative ...
Body checking (BC) is defined as behavior aimed at gaining information on body shape, size, or weigh...
Appearance-related commentary can be positive or negative. Such commentary has been shown to negativ...
Degree awarded: M.A. Psychology. American UniversityEXPLORING THE EFFECTS OF RUMINATION AND LEVEL OF...
Objective: The aim of the present study was to compare the effects of different ways of responding t...
Introduction Perfectionism and rumination both seem to be involved in the development and maintenanc...
The present study sought to investigate the association between selective attentional processing of ...
Research suggests that interpersonal events, lack of control over one's emotions and low mastery ove...
Body image has been the subject of much study recently, as the prevalence of eating disorders is an ...
Background: Rumination is linked to negative affect (NA), and there is accumulating support for an a...
Dieting and disinhibited eating patterns are presented in both clinical and nonclinical samples. Rep...
The study aims to add to the current literature about sexual objectification, exploring the effects ...
Findings from recent studies of body image have suggested that women are more dissatisfied with thei...
The goal of this study was to examine gender differences in the prevalence of disordered eating and ...
Previous research indicates women who have heightened body-image sensitivity are more likely to perc...
Rumination is a maladaptive coping style that has been found to be associated with several negative ...
Body checking (BC) is defined as behavior aimed at gaining information on body shape, size, or weigh...
Appearance-related commentary can be positive or negative. Such commentary has been shown to negativ...
Degree awarded: M.A. Psychology. American UniversityEXPLORING THE EFFECTS OF RUMINATION AND LEVEL OF...
Objective: The aim of the present study was to compare the effects of different ways of responding t...
Introduction Perfectionism and rumination both seem to be involved in the development and maintenanc...
The present study sought to investigate the association between selective attentional processing of ...
Research suggests that interpersonal events, lack of control over one's emotions and low mastery ove...
Body image has been the subject of much study recently, as the prevalence of eating disorders is an ...
Background: Rumination is linked to negative affect (NA), and there is accumulating support for an a...
Dieting and disinhibited eating patterns are presented in both clinical and nonclinical samples. Rep...
The study aims to add to the current literature about sexual objectification, exploring the effects ...
Findings from recent studies of body image have suggested that women are more dissatisfied with thei...
The goal of this study was to examine gender differences in the prevalence of disordered eating and ...
Previous research indicates women who have heightened body-image sensitivity are more likely to perc...
Rumination is a maladaptive coping style that has been found to be associated with several negative ...
Body checking (BC) is defined as behavior aimed at gaining information on body shape, size, or weigh...
Appearance-related commentary can be positive or negative. Such commentary has been shown to negativ...