International audienceAccording to some, the first part of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM : 23-19 ky cal. BP) in the Pyrenees appears to be a singular moment when the cultural trajectory of hunter-gatherer groups diverged from the frameworks defined further north. Similar to the Upper Solutrean of the Vasco-Cantabrian area with which it shares several typotechnological specificities (e. g. concave-base points, Cantabrian-type shouldered points), the Solutrean of the Pyrenees would thus continue into the heart of the LGM (circa 21 ky cal. BP), parallel to the development of the Badegoulian tra ditions in the adjacent areas. The current scarcity or absence of Badegoulian sites throughout the Pyrenees fits well with this establishing of a cultu...