Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) curves are among the standard design tools for various engineering applications, such as storm water management systems. The current practice is to use IDF curves based on historical extreme precipitation quantiles. A warming climate, however, might change the extreme precipitation quantiles represented by the IDF curves, emphasizing the need for updating the IDF curves used for the design of urban storm water management systems in different parts of the world, including Canada. This study attempts to construct the future IDF curves for Saskatoon, Canada, under possible climate change scenarios. For this purpose, LARS-WG, a stochastic weather generator, is used to spatially downscale the daily precipitatio...
Study region: Southern Ontario, Canada. Study focus: The evaluation of possible climate change conse...
The magnitude and frequency of hydrological events are expected to increase in coming years due to c...
Intensity-duration-frequency (IDF) curves usefully quantify extreme precipitation over various durat...
Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) curves are among the standard design tools for various engineerin...
Climate variability and change are expected to have important impacts on the hydrologic cycle at dif...
The magnitude and frequency of hydrological events are expected to increase in coming years due to c...
© 2016 Taylor & Francis Group, London. The design statistics for water infrastructures are typical...
Study region: Canada. Study focus: Given the effects of climate change on extreme precipitation, upd...
Recent increase in intensity and frequency of catastrophic hydrologic events is shown to be a major ...
Intensity-duration-frequency (IDF) relationships are traditional tools in water infrastructure plann...
The intensity and frequency of extreme precipitation have increased in many regions in the past cent...
Climate change is one of the prominent factors that causes an increased severity of extreme precipit...
Intensity-duration-frequency (IDF) curves representing the variation of the magnitude of extreme rai...
Potential consequences of climate change are the increase in the magnitude and frequency of extreme ...
This paper proposes a spatial-temporal downscaling approach to construction of the intensity-duratio...
Study region: Southern Ontario, Canada. Study focus: The evaluation of possible climate change conse...
The magnitude and frequency of hydrological events are expected to increase in coming years due to c...
Intensity-duration-frequency (IDF) curves usefully quantify extreme precipitation over various durat...
Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) curves are among the standard design tools for various engineerin...
Climate variability and change are expected to have important impacts on the hydrologic cycle at dif...
The magnitude and frequency of hydrological events are expected to increase in coming years due to c...
© 2016 Taylor & Francis Group, London. The design statistics for water infrastructures are typical...
Study region: Canada. Study focus: Given the effects of climate change on extreme precipitation, upd...
Recent increase in intensity and frequency of catastrophic hydrologic events is shown to be a major ...
Intensity-duration-frequency (IDF) relationships are traditional tools in water infrastructure plann...
The intensity and frequency of extreme precipitation have increased in many regions in the past cent...
Climate change is one of the prominent factors that causes an increased severity of extreme precipit...
Intensity-duration-frequency (IDF) curves representing the variation of the magnitude of extreme rai...
Potential consequences of climate change are the increase in the magnitude and frequency of extreme ...
This paper proposes a spatial-temporal downscaling approach to construction of the intensity-duratio...
Study region: Southern Ontario, Canada. Study focus: The evaluation of possible climate change conse...
The magnitude and frequency of hydrological events are expected to increase in coming years due to c...
Intensity-duration-frequency (IDF) curves usefully quantify extreme precipitation over various durat...