El objetivo del presente trabajo es comunicar el hallazgo de Amblyomma triste por primera vez en laprovincia de Santa Fe, Argentina, y sumar una nueva localidad para Amblyomma tigrinum en lamisma provincia. Ambas especies de garrapatas son reconocidos vectores de Rickettsia parkeri, agente etiológicode la fiebre manchada. Los especímenes fueron colectados durante el mes de agosto de 2014 y diciembre de2015 a partir de turistas en la Fundación Federico Wildermuth (31° 59?S, 61° 24?O), departamento de San Martín,provincia de Santa Fe. Se colectaron 5 garrapatas adultas que fueron identificadas morfológicamente como A.tigrinum (3 hembras y 1 macho) y A. triste (1 hembra). El presente hallazgo de A. triste y A. tigrinum representael primero en ...
The aim of this study was to assess the presence of Rickettsia in soft ticks (Acari: Argasidae) coll...
Five species of ticks belonging to the genera Amblyomma, Haemaphysalis and Rhipicephalus were record...
Owing to the sanitary importance of the tick Amblyomma parvum, this study evaluated the infection by...
This work presents records of ticks infesting humans in northern Misiones Province, Argentina. Also,...
Rickettsia parkeri, a newly recognized tick-borne pathogen of humans in the Americas, is a confirmed...
En los meses de julio de 2015 y enero de 2016 se colectaron garrapatas de un gato montés (Leopardus ...
A study was conducted to investigate the distribution of Amblyomma triste in Argentina under the hyp...
The aim of this study was to get an overview about the occurrence of bacteria from the genus Ehrlich...
Ixodid ticks were collected from vegetation and from humans, wild and domestic mammals in a rural ar...
Fil: Tarragona, Evelina Luisa. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias; ...
In the present study, we report the first in vitro isolation and infection intensity of Rickettsia p...
INTRODUCCIÓN: Las garrapatas (Acari, Ixodida) son artrópodos vectores de gran diversidad de patógeno...
This work was performed to detect Rickettsia species of the spotted fever group in Amblyomma ticks l...
To date, three tick-borne pathogenic Rickettsia species have been reported in different regions of A...
Information on autochthonous ticks and their hosts is scarce in South America, especially in Argenti...
The aim of this study was to assess the presence of Rickettsia in soft ticks (Acari: Argasidae) coll...
Five species of ticks belonging to the genera Amblyomma, Haemaphysalis and Rhipicephalus were record...
Owing to the sanitary importance of the tick Amblyomma parvum, this study evaluated the infection by...
This work presents records of ticks infesting humans in northern Misiones Province, Argentina. Also,...
Rickettsia parkeri, a newly recognized tick-borne pathogen of humans in the Americas, is a confirmed...
En los meses de julio de 2015 y enero de 2016 se colectaron garrapatas de un gato montés (Leopardus ...
A study was conducted to investigate the distribution of Amblyomma triste in Argentina under the hyp...
The aim of this study was to get an overview about the occurrence of bacteria from the genus Ehrlich...
Ixodid ticks were collected from vegetation and from humans, wild and domestic mammals in a rural ar...
Fil: Tarragona, Evelina Luisa. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias; ...
In the present study, we report the first in vitro isolation and infection intensity of Rickettsia p...
INTRODUCCIÓN: Las garrapatas (Acari, Ixodida) son artrópodos vectores de gran diversidad de patógeno...
This work was performed to detect Rickettsia species of the spotted fever group in Amblyomma ticks l...
To date, three tick-borne pathogenic Rickettsia species have been reported in different regions of A...
Information on autochthonous ticks and their hosts is scarce in South America, especially in Argenti...
The aim of this study was to assess the presence of Rickettsia in soft ticks (Acari: Argasidae) coll...
Five species of ticks belonging to the genera Amblyomma, Haemaphysalis and Rhipicephalus were record...
Owing to the sanitary importance of the tick Amblyomma parvum, this study evaluated the infection by...