Contains fulltext : 64748.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)Bimanual parity judgments about numerically small (large) digits are faster with the left (right) hand, even though parity is unrelated to numerical magnitude per se (the SNARC effect; Dehaene, Bossini, & Giraux, 1993). According to one model, this effect reflects a space-related representation of numerical magnitudes (mental number line) with a genuine left-to-right orientation. Alternatively, it may simply reflect an overlearned motor association between numbers and manual responses—as, for example, on typewriters or computer keyboards—in which case it should be weaker or absent with effectors whose horizontal response component is less systematically asso...
It is frequently assumed that the brain codes number magnitudes according to an inherent left-to-rig...
A structural representation of the hand embedding information about the identity and relative positi...
To investigate whether participants can activate only one spatially oriented number line at a time o...
Bimanual parity judgments about numerically small (large) digits are faster with the left (right) ha...
Contains fulltext : 56824.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access)Dehaene, Bossi...
In the well-known SNARC effect, people are shown to be faster at responding to relatively large numb...
There is accumulating evidence that numerical information influences the way in which we perform bod...
There is accumulating evidence that numerical information influences the way in which we perform bod...
The SNARC effect reflects the observation that when healthy observers with left-to-right reading hab...
In this study, we directly contrast two approaches that have been proposed to explain the SNARC effec...
Evidence for number-space associations comes from the spatial-numerical association of response-code...
Recent research in cognitive sciences shows a growing interest in spatial-numerical associations. Th...
The Spatial-Numerical Association of Response Codes (SNARC) effect – i.e., faster responses to small...
The spatial-numerical association of response codes (SNARC) has shown that parity judgments with par...
Human adults are faster to respond to small/large numerals with their left/right hand when they judg...
It is frequently assumed that the brain codes number magnitudes according to an inherent left-to-rig...
A structural representation of the hand embedding information about the identity and relative positi...
To investigate whether participants can activate only one spatially oriented number line at a time o...
Bimanual parity judgments about numerically small (large) digits are faster with the left (right) ha...
Contains fulltext : 56824.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access)Dehaene, Bossi...
In the well-known SNARC effect, people are shown to be faster at responding to relatively large numb...
There is accumulating evidence that numerical information influences the way in which we perform bod...
There is accumulating evidence that numerical information influences the way in which we perform bod...
The SNARC effect reflects the observation that when healthy observers with left-to-right reading hab...
In this study, we directly contrast two approaches that have been proposed to explain the SNARC effec...
Evidence for number-space associations comes from the spatial-numerical association of response-code...
Recent research in cognitive sciences shows a growing interest in spatial-numerical associations. Th...
The Spatial-Numerical Association of Response Codes (SNARC) effect – i.e., faster responses to small...
The spatial-numerical association of response codes (SNARC) has shown that parity judgments with par...
Human adults are faster to respond to small/large numerals with their left/right hand when they judg...
It is frequently assumed that the brain codes number magnitudes according to an inherent left-to-rig...
A structural representation of the hand embedding information about the identity and relative positi...
To investigate whether participants can activate only one spatially oriented number line at a time o...