A strongly coupled anisotropic fluid from dilaton driven holography

  • Jain, Sachin
  • Kundu, Nilay
  • Sen, Kallol
  • Sinha, Aninda
  • Trivedi, Sandip P
Publication date
January 2015


We consider a system consisting of 5 dimensional gravity with a negative cosmological constant coupled to a massless scalar, the dilaton. We construct a black brane solution which arises when the dilaton satisfies linearly varying boundary conditions in the asymptotically AdS(5) region. The geometry of this black brane breaks rotational symmetry while preserving translational invariance and corresponds to an anisotropic phase of the system. Close to extremality, where the anisotropy is big compared to the temperature, some components of the viscosity tensor become parametrically small compared to the entropy density. We study the quasi normal modes in considerable detail and find no instability close to extremality. We also obtain the equat...

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