The nomenclature and conformational analysis of lipids and lipid analogs

  • Chandrasekhar, Indira
  • Sasisekharan, V
Publication date
March 1989
Springer Netherlands


Lipids form an essential part of the biomembrane and it is of paramount importance to study their conformational aspects. It is found that the present methods of nomenclature for lipids are totally inadequate for describing these diverse amphipathic molecules. Further the existing methods are incompatible in terms of assignment of the absolute configuration. A systematic method for the naming of lipids which is rationally extendible to a wide class of amphipaths is described. The conformational features of the natural glycerolipids as well as a synthetic amphipath containing a glutamic acid moiety known to undergo interesting phase transitions, have been examined in detail using the framework of the current nomenclature system. The implicat...

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