The Effects of Conditioned Reinforcement for Reading on Reading Comprehension for 5th Graders

  • Cumiskey Moore, Colleen
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Publication date
January 2017
Columbia University Libraries/Information Services


In three experiments, I tested the effects of the conditioned reinforcement for reading (R+Reading) on reading comprehension with 5th graders. In Experiment 1, I conducted a series of statistical analyses with data from 18 participants for one year. I administered 4 pre/post measurements for reading repertoires which included: 1) state-wide assessments, 2) district-wide assessments, 3) 20 min observational probes, and 4) preference probes. I utilized the standardized testing measurements to establish grade-level reading repertoires, while the additional two probes measured the reinforcement value of reading. Observational data were recorded in 10s whole-intervals; participants who were observed to read for 96 of the 120 intervals (80%) were...

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