2005-óta végzek terepi vizsgálatokat a Kiskunlacháza - Kunszentmiklós térségben élő erősen kakukk parazitált nádirigókkal. Dolgozatom témája a kakukk és nádirigó koevolúciós kapcsolatának vizsgálata mindkét faj szempontjából. Az alábbiakban hat tanulmányt mutatok be, amelyekből egyben múzeumi tojásgyűjteményekből származó tojásokról készült fényképeket elemeztem, a többi pedig egy-egy év terepi munkáinak eredményei. Az első kettőben a kakukk adaptációjával kapcsolatos vizsgálatokat, a következőkben pedig a gazda adaptív válaszaival foglalkozó kutatásokat mutatok be. I have been doing field research with great reed warblers since 2005 in the Kiskunlacháza - Kunszentmiklós region; a place of exceptionally high rate of cuckoo-parasitism. ...
Brood parasitism is a breeding strategy which imposes significant selection pressure upon the host a...
Why some lineages have diversified into larger numbers of species than others is a fundamental but s...
SummaryA series of recent studies on nest parasitism shows that, in addition to rejection of foreign...
With their landmark publication ‘Cuckoos versus reed warblers: adaptations and counteradaptations’ (...
Th e coevolutionary process among avian brood parasites and their hosts involves stepwise changes in...
Egg rejection behaviour, as an antiparasite defence against brood parasitism was compared in two gre...
Coevolutionary arms races between brood parasites and hosts involve genetic adaptations and counter-...
This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from OUP via the DOI in this ...
Krüger O. Cuckoos, cowbirds and hosts: adaptations, trade-offs and constraints. PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSA...
The evolution of brood parasitism has long attracted considerable attention among behavioural ecolog...
The thesis includes a review of the topic of brood parasitism, with focus on the most common Europea...
Most open nesting insectivorous passerines in Europe have a history of interaction with the brood pa...
Why some lineages have diversified into larger numbers of species than others is a fundamental but s...
Interactions between avian hosts and brood parasites can provide a model for how animals adapt to a ...
In some populations of host of brood parasites, more than two parasite eggs may be laid in a single ...
Brood parasitism is a breeding strategy which imposes significant selection pressure upon the host a...
Why some lineages have diversified into larger numbers of species than others is a fundamental but s...
SummaryA series of recent studies on nest parasitism shows that, in addition to rejection of foreign...
With their landmark publication ‘Cuckoos versus reed warblers: adaptations and counteradaptations’ (...
Th e coevolutionary process among avian brood parasites and their hosts involves stepwise changes in...
Egg rejection behaviour, as an antiparasite defence against brood parasitism was compared in two gre...
Coevolutionary arms races between brood parasites and hosts involve genetic adaptations and counter-...
This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from OUP via the DOI in this ...
Krüger O. Cuckoos, cowbirds and hosts: adaptations, trade-offs and constraints. PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSA...
The evolution of brood parasitism has long attracted considerable attention among behavioural ecolog...
The thesis includes a review of the topic of brood parasitism, with focus on the most common Europea...
Most open nesting insectivorous passerines in Europe have a history of interaction with the brood pa...
Why some lineages have diversified into larger numbers of species than others is a fundamental but s...
Interactions between avian hosts and brood parasites can provide a model for how animals adapt to a ...
In some populations of host of brood parasites, more than two parasite eggs may be laid in a single ...
Brood parasitism is a breeding strategy which imposes significant selection pressure upon the host a...
Why some lineages have diversified into larger numbers of species than others is a fundamental but s...
SummaryA series of recent studies on nest parasitism shows that, in addition to rejection of foreign...