A nappali lepkék állományainak jelentős csökkenése, életterük beszűkülése különösen nagymértékű kontinensünkön. Ez a tendencia figyelhető meg a Maculinea van Eecke, 1915 (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) nemzetség fajainak esetében is, melyek mára már Európa-szerte veszélyeztetettek, és sok területről ki is pusztultak. A hangyaboglárkák fenyegetettsége egyrészt speciális életmenetük, másrészt természetes élőhelyeik eltűnéséből, degradációjából adódik. A genus fajaira irányuló ökológiai kutatások tisztázták a lepkék obligát myrmecophil életmódját, ami igen szoros kapcsolatot feltételez a Maculinea és a Myrmica Latreille, 1804 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) fajok között. A Maculinea genust Magyarországon négy faj képviseli: Maculinea alcon ([Denis & Sch...
Maculinea butterflies live as obligate parasites of specific Myrmica host ants in meadow and heathla...
Relationship between the endangered herbaceous plant Gentiana cruciata and its specialist herbivore,...
Population dynamics studies in insects mostly focus on a specific life stage of a species and seldom...
The myrmecophilic butterfly species Maculinea teleius (BERGSTRÄSSER, 1779) and Maculinea nausithous ...
Proces dyspersji jest jednym z głównych czynników odpowiedzialnych zarówno za prawidłowe funkcjonowa...
In Europe, both Maculinea alcon and M. teleius frequently co- occur inhabiting humid meadows. Altho...
More than 50% of the lycaenid butterflies have an ant-associated lifestyle (myrmecophily) which may ...
Oviposition site selection can be viewed as an act of parental care; it is a life history trait with...
The taxonomy of the myrmecophilous Maculinea alcon group (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) is highly debated...
1. Maculinea (= Phengaris) species of butterfly have complex life-styles in which the larvae feed br...
In my thesis I have been studying the effects of population fragmentation and extinction-recolonizat...
1. Maculinea (= Phengaris ) species of butterfly have complex life‐styles in which the larvae feed b...
Raziskava razširjenosti sviščevega mravljiščarja (Maculinea alcon) v osrednji Sloveniji in določitve...
The range of hosts exploited by a parasite is determined by several factors, including host availabi...
The rare socially parasitic butterfly Maculinea alcon occurs in two forms, which are characteristic ...
Maculinea butterflies live as obligate parasites of specific Myrmica host ants in meadow and heathla...
Relationship between the endangered herbaceous plant Gentiana cruciata and its specialist herbivore,...
Population dynamics studies in insects mostly focus on a specific life stage of a species and seldom...
The myrmecophilic butterfly species Maculinea teleius (BERGSTRÄSSER, 1779) and Maculinea nausithous ...
Proces dyspersji jest jednym z głównych czynników odpowiedzialnych zarówno za prawidłowe funkcjonowa...
In Europe, both Maculinea alcon and M. teleius frequently co- occur inhabiting humid meadows. Altho...
More than 50% of the lycaenid butterflies have an ant-associated lifestyle (myrmecophily) which may ...
Oviposition site selection can be viewed as an act of parental care; it is a life history trait with...
The taxonomy of the myrmecophilous Maculinea alcon group (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) is highly debated...
1. Maculinea (= Phengaris) species of butterfly have complex life-styles in which the larvae feed br...
In my thesis I have been studying the effects of population fragmentation and extinction-recolonizat...
1. Maculinea (= Phengaris ) species of butterfly have complex life‐styles in which the larvae feed b...
Raziskava razširjenosti sviščevega mravljiščarja (Maculinea alcon) v osrednji Sloveniji in določitve...
The range of hosts exploited by a parasite is determined by several factors, including host availabi...
The rare socially parasitic butterfly Maculinea alcon occurs in two forms, which are characteristic ...
Maculinea butterflies live as obligate parasites of specific Myrmica host ants in meadow and heathla...
Relationship between the endangered herbaceous plant Gentiana cruciata and its specialist herbivore,...
Population dynamics studies in insects mostly focus on a specific life stage of a species and seldom...