The CERN ATLAS experiment grid workflow system manages routinely 250 to 500 thousand concurrently running production and analysis jobs to process simulation and detector data. In total more than 300 PB of data is distributed over more than 150 sites in the WLCG. At this scale small improvements in the software and computing performance and workflows can lead to significant resource usage gains. ATLAS is reviewing together with CERN IT experts several typical simulation and data processing workloads for potential performance improvements in terms of memory and CPU usage, disk and network I/O. All ATLAS production and analysis grid jobs are instrumented to collect many performance metrics for detailed statistical studies using modern data ana...
The LHC is the world's most powerful particle accelerator, colliding protons at centre of mass energ...
The ATLAS production system has been successfully used to run production of simulation data at an un...
The ATLAS experiment is a High Energy Physics experiment that utilizes the services of Grid3 now mig...
The CERN ATLAS experiment grid workflow system manages routinely 250 to 500 thousand concurrently ru...
The CERN ATLAS experiment grid workflow system manages routinely 250 to 500 thousand concurrently ru...
The CERN ATLAS experiment successfully uses a worldwide computing infrastructure to support the phys...
The ATLAS experiment at CERN uses more than 150 sites in the WLCG to process and analyze data record...
The ATLAS experiment at CERN uses more than 150 sites in the WLCG to process and analyze data record...
More than one thousand physicists analyse data collected by the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron...
In the LHC operations era the key goal is to analyse the results of the collisions of high-energy pa...
In the LHC operations era the key goal is to analyse the results of the collisions of high-energy pa...
In the past two years the ATLAS Collaboration at the LHC has collected a large volume of data and pu...
In the LHC operations era, analysis of the multi-petabyte ATLAS data sample by globally distributed ...
Due to the good performance of the LHC accelerator, the ATLAS experiment has seen higher than antici...
The ATLAS experiment has had two years of steady data taking in 2010 and 2011. Data are calibrated, ...
The LHC is the world's most powerful particle accelerator, colliding protons at centre of mass energ...
The ATLAS production system has been successfully used to run production of simulation data at an un...
The ATLAS experiment is a High Energy Physics experiment that utilizes the services of Grid3 now mig...
The CERN ATLAS experiment grid workflow system manages routinely 250 to 500 thousand concurrently ru...
The CERN ATLAS experiment grid workflow system manages routinely 250 to 500 thousand concurrently ru...
The CERN ATLAS experiment successfully uses a worldwide computing infrastructure to support the phys...
The ATLAS experiment at CERN uses more than 150 sites in the WLCG to process and analyze data record...
The ATLAS experiment at CERN uses more than 150 sites in the WLCG to process and analyze data record...
More than one thousand physicists analyse data collected by the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron...
In the LHC operations era the key goal is to analyse the results of the collisions of high-energy pa...
In the LHC operations era the key goal is to analyse the results of the collisions of high-energy pa...
In the past two years the ATLAS Collaboration at the LHC has collected a large volume of data and pu...
In the LHC operations era, analysis of the multi-petabyte ATLAS data sample by globally distributed ...
Due to the good performance of the LHC accelerator, the ATLAS experiment has seen higher than antici...
The ATLAS experiment has had two years of steady data taking in 2010 and 2011. Data are calibrated, ...
The LHC is the world's most powerful particle accelerator, colliding protons at centre of mass energ...
The ATLAS production system has been successfully used to run production of simulation data at an un...
The ATLAS experiment is a High Energy Physics experiment that utilizes the services of Grid3 now mig...