Written statements submitted by witnesses scheduled to speak at the May 1, 1991 public meeting of the Independent Commission of the LAPD: ❧ Section 1: Statement of Stewart Kwoh, executive director of Asian Pacific American Legal Center of Southern California (APALC) ❧ Section 2: Testimony of Vibiana Andrade, regional counsel of Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF) ❧ Section 2: Exhibit A - letter - from: Antonia Hernandez, MALDEF president and general counsel ❧ Section 2: Exhibit B - MALDEF Annual Report, 1989-90 ❧ Section 3: Summary of testimony of R. Samuel Paz on behalf of the Mexican American Bar Association of the LA County ❧ Section 3: Exhibit 1 - Superior Court of the State of California for the County of LA, A...