<p>Queries used in the benchmark are included in the file "queries_graphannis_benchmark.zip". Each folder corresponds to one corpus. Each query has an ".aql" file containing the AQL query, a ".json" file with the parsed query.</p> <p>The actual results of the benchmark are in the "journal-2016-07-27.csv " file. Additional the memory usage for each corpus in graphANNIS is given in "memoryusage.csv".</p
Knowledge bases often utilize graphs as logical model. RDF-based knowledge bases (KB) are prime exam...
Memory remains constant as sample size increases, and runtime in most methods (other than Kraken2/Br...
Benchmarking is a process that informs the public about the capabilities of systems-under-test, focu...
These are the queries, the benchmark results and the evaluation scripts of the thesis "ANNIS: A grap...
This resource provides Queries for PGBench, a property graph benchmark. PGBench provides an RDF to ...
Originally published on: https://github.com/cwida/public_bi_benchmark Originally compressed with b...
CLIJ Workflow Benchmarking leads to a folder of resulting images. As two GPUs and two CPUs were test...
Benchmark for SHACL Performance in Knowledge Bases. The data contains: - the file with the 58 SHACL...
<p>The data we used to evaluate Louvain Method in the study Benchmarking Graph Databases on the Prob...
The dataset consists in several csv files containing Cassandra and ScyllaDB performance. The experi...
From social networks to language modeling, the growing scale and importance of graph data has driven...
Human evaluation results and the evaluated poems for the following paper: Hämäläinen, M., Alnajjar,...
GraphQL is an open source framework for creating adaptable API layers and was developed and released...
Fixed Corpus selection was not reliably shown when executing a corpus query or corpus selecting by ...
The aim of this project is to evaluate the effectiveness of a factbase that employs a graph database...
Knowledge bases often utilize graphs as logical model. RDF-based knowledge bases (KB) are prime exam...
Memory remains constant as sample size increases, and runtime in most methods (other than Kraken2/Br...
Benchmarking is a process that informs the public about the capabilities of systems-under-test, focu...
These are the queries, the benchmark results and the evaluation scripts of the thesis "ANNIS: A grap...
This resource provides Queries for PGBench, a property graph benchmark. PGBench provides an RDF to ...
Originally published on: https://github.com/cwida/public_bi_benchmark Originally compressed with b...
CLIJ Workflow Benchmarking leads to a folder of resulting images. As two GPUs and two CPUs were test...
Benchmark for SHACL Performance in Knowledge Bases. The data contains: - the file with the 58 SHACL...
<p>The data we used to evaluate Louvain Method in the study Benchmarking Graph Databases on the Prob...
The dataset consists in several csv files containing Cassandra and ScyllaDB performance. The experi...
From social networks to language modeling, the growing scale and importance of graph data has driven...
Human evaluation results and the evaluated poems for the following paper: Hämäläinen, M., Alnajjar,...
GraphQL is an open source framework for creating adaptable API layers and was developed and released...
Fixed Corpus selection was not reliably shown when executing a corpus query or corpus selecting by ...
The aim of this project is to evaluate the effectiveness of a factbase that employs a graph database...
Knowledge bases often utilize graphs as logical model. RDF-based knowledge bases (KB) are prime exam...
Memory remains constant as sample size increases, and runtime in most methods (other than Kraken2/Br...
Benchmarking is a process that informs the public about the capabilities of systems-under-test, focu...