Figure S1. Melting curves of sugarcane candidate PCR reference genes. (TIF 3140 kb
Sites, geographic coordinates, and environmental characteristics of the sugarcane trials. (DOCX 13 k...
Figure S1. Insect-resistant phenotype of the cry1Ac sugarcane and the receptor variety FN15 (CK). (P...
Table with the list of orthologous genes between the five species: Sorghum bicolor (Abbreviation: SB...
Figure S2. Melting curves of S. scitamineum candidate PCR reference genes. (TIF 10506 kb
Additional file 3: Table S2. Primer pairs sequences, amplicon size (A) in basepairs (bp), melting te...
Additional file 1: Table S1. Sugarcane ESTs homologue to maize and sorghum candidate reference genes
Table S1. The qRT-PCR primers of the predicted target genes. Table S2. The qRT-PCR primers of miRNAs...
Abstract Background Sugarcane (Saccharum L. plant) is an important crop for sugar and bio-energy pro...
List of sugarcane genes and primers used for qRT-PCR. Table S20. qRT-PCR Primers. (XLSX 9 kb
Table S6. List of primers used for the qRT-PCR analysis. Ten genes related to transmembrane transpor...
Table S5. The primer sequences and TaqMan probe sequences for real-time PCR. (DOCX 12 kb
Additional file 2: Figure S1. Evaluation of Ct values of seven candidate reference genes across all ...
Table S4. Percentages of reads mapped to the reference genome. TopHat2 tools soft were used to map w...
Additional file 4: Figure S2. Dissociation curve of seven candidate reference genes, with pictures t...
Supplementary RNA-Seq data file, including Table S1, Table S2, Table S3, Figure S2 and Figure S3 Tab...
Sites, geographic coordinates, and environmental characteristics of the sugarcane trials. (DOCX 13 k...
Figure S1. Insect-resistant phenotype of the cry1Ac sugarcane and the receptor variety FN15 (CK). (P...
Table with the list of orthologous genes between the five species: Sorghum bicolor (Abbreviation: SB...
Figure S2. Melting curves of S. scitamineum candidate PCR reference genes. (TIF 10506 kb
Additional file 3: Table S2. Primer pairs sequences, amplicon size (A) in basepairs (bp), melting te...
Additional file 1: Table S1. Sugarcane ESTs homologue to maize and sorghum candidate reference genes
Table S1. The qRT-PCR primers of the predicted target genes. Table S2. The qRT-PCR primers of miRNAs...
Abstract Background Sugarcane (Saccharum L. plant) is an important crop for sugar and bio-energy pro...
List of sugarcane genes and primers used for qRT-PCR. Table S20. qRT-PCR Primers. (XLSX 9 kb
Table S6. List of primers used for the qRT-PCR analysis. Ten genes related to transmembrane transpor...
Table S5. The primer sequences and TaqMan probe sequences for real-time PCR. (DOCX 12 kb
Additional file 2: Figure S1. Evaluation of Ct values of seven candidate reference genes across all ...
Table S4. Percentages of reads mapped to the reference genome. TopHat2 tools soft were used to map w...
Additional file 4: Figure S2. Dissociation curve of seven candidate reference genes, with pictures t...
Supplementary RNA-Seq data file, including Table S1, Table S2, Table S3, Figure S2 and Figure S3 Tab...
Sites, geographic coordinates, and environmental characteristics of the sugarcane trials. (DOCX 13 k...
Figure S1. Insect-resistant phenotype of the cry1Ac sugarcane and the receptor variety FN15 (CK). (P...
Table with the list of orthologous genes between the five species: Sorghum bicolor (Abbreviation: SB...