Data_Sheet_1_Prediction of Mutations to Control Pathways Enabling Tumor Cell Invasion with the CoLoMoTo Interactive Notebook (Tutorial).ZIP

  • Nicolas Levy (1708774)
  • Aurélien Naldi (242548)
  • Céline Hernandez (237652)
  • Gautier Stoll (310451)
  • Denis Thieffry (6426)
  • Andrei Zinovyev (148524)
  • Laurence Calzone (252165)
  • Loïc Paulevé (5412833)
Publication date
July 2018


<p>Boolean and multi-valued logical formalisms are increasingly used to model complex cellular networks. To ease the development and analysis of logical models, a series of software tools have been proposed, often with specific assets. However, combining these tools typically implies a series of cumbersome software installation and model conversion steps. In this respect, the CoLoMoTo Interactive Notebook provides a joint distribution of several logical modeling software tools, along with an interactive web Python interface easing the chaining of complementary analyses. Our computational workflow combines (1) the importation of a GINsim model and its display, (2) its format conversion using the Java library BioLQM, (3) the formal prediction...

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