<p>(a) Total flucloxacillin concentrations, and (b) free flucloxacillin concentrations in the fed (■) and fasting state (●). Error bars are not shown since statistics were performed on paired differences.</p
<p>Diagnostic plot of measured concentrations versus predicted concentrations by the endocarditis mo...
<p>The error bars show standard deviations of the median floc size calculated from the floc size dis...
<p>Percent of medications detected quantitatively below, within or above ranges established in the t...
<p>The ratio fed/fasting (geometric mean ± 90% CI) following 1000 mg oral flucloxacillin is also pro...
<p>Mean (95% CI) values for the pharmacokinetic parameters for total and free plasma flucloxacillin ...
<p>Data points represent mean values with standard errors of six replicated bioassays for growth inh...
<p>Each graph shows the Hill functions for a drug combination and the constituent single drugs with ...
<p>Each graph shows the Hill functions for a drug combination and the constituent single drugs with ...
<p>Asterisks denote the concentration of repellent that significantly decreased feeding relative to ...
<p>The red dotted lines represent the 10% and 90% quantiles of the estimated individual curves.</p
<p>Error bars represent single standard deviation; enumerated dose groups. Saturable dose exposure a...
<p>The mean concentration of circulating progesterone (ng/mL) by month. Error bars depict standard e...
<p>Strains were exposed to ciprofloxacin in exponential growth phase. Viable counts were determined ...
<p>(A) The average antimicrobial activity of a workers’ hemolymph is significantly larger in colony ...
<p>The graph demonstrates the percentage of each fluorochrome area in two groups (* indicates signif...
<p>Diagnostic plot of measured concentrations versus predicted concentrations by the endocarditis mo...
<p>The error bars show standard deviations of the median floc size calculated from the floc size dis...
<p>Percent of medications detected quantitatively below, within or above ranges established in the t...
<p>The ratio fed/fasting (geometric mean ± 90% CI) following 1000 mg oral flucloxacillin is also pro...
<p>Mean (95% CI) values for the pharmacokinetic parameters for total and free plasma flucloxacillin ...
<p>Data points represent mean values with standard errors of six replicated bioassays for growth inh...
<p>Each graph shows the Hill functions for a drug combination and the constituent single drugs with ...
<p>Each graph shows the Hill functions for a drug combination and the constituent single drugs with ...
<p>Asterisks denote the concentration of repellent that significantly decreased feeding relative to ...
<p>The red dotted lines represent the 10% and 90% quantiles of the estimated individual curves.</p
<p>Error bars represent single standard deviation; enumerated dose groups. Saturable dose exposure a...
<p>The mean concentration of circulating progesterone (ng/mL) by month. Error bars depict standard e...
<p>Strains were exposed to ciprofloxacin in exponential growth phase. Viable counts were determined ...
<p>(A) The average antimicrobial activity of a workers’ hemolymph is significantly larger in colony ...
<p>The graph demonstrates the percentage of each fluorochrome area in two groups (* indicates signif...
<p>Diagnostic plot of measured concentrations versus predicted concentrations by the endocarditis mo...
<p>The error bars show standard deviations of the median floc size calculated from the floc size dis...
<p>Percent of medications detected quantitatively below, within or above ranges established in the t...