Basicranium of <i>Periptychus carinidens</i> (AMNH 3669) in dorsal view.

  • Sarah L. Shelley (5533163)
  • Thomas E. Williamson (464641)
  • Stephen L. Brusatte (134303)
Publication date
July 2018


<p>Abbreviations: Al, alisphenoid; Bo, basioccipital, Bs, basisphenoid; cf, carotid foramen; eam, external acoustic meatus; Eo, exoccipital; es, Eustachian sulcus; fo, foramen ovale; Gf, Glaserian fissure; hf, hypoglossal foramen; js, jugular sulcus; mp, mastoid process; pe, petrosal; pf, pyriform fenestra; pgf, postglenoid foramen; pgp, postglenoid process; poac, posterior opening of the alisphenoid canal; pt, pterygoid; Sq, squamosal; tyal, tympanic process of the alisphenoid; tyh, tympanohyal; ?, denotes uncertainty of label. Scale bar: 30mm.</p

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