<p>Topology shows the majority rule consensus of the BI tree. BI posterior probability (PP) ≥ 0.50 and ML bootstrap support (BS) ≥ 50 were annotated on the branch. PP ≥ 0.95 and/or BS ≥ 70 were drawn with thicker and black lines.</p
Bootstrap support and posterior probability (PP) values are shown at the nodes.</p
<p>Values associated to nodes are Bayesian posterior probabilities / maximum-likelihood bootstrap su...
<p>Concatenated phylogeny, inferred from 18S+5.8S+28S+actin+beta-tubulin+<i>hsp90</i> (5626 characte...
<p>Consensus tree of all trees for the Bayesian analysis of the combined data set (from an initial 2...
<p>Representatives of the Pavlovophyceae were used as an out-group. The numbers on each node indicat...
<p>Posterior probabilities are shown at the nodes. The tree is rooted with the araphid pennate taxa ...
<p>The species <i>Paramegophrys oshanensis</i> and <i>Megophrys nasuta</i> were included as outgroup...
<p>Representatives of the Pavlovophyceae were used as an out-group. Asterisks refer to the clade nam...
<p>Majority rule consensus tree for Bayesian inference of phylogeographic relationships among mitoch...
<p>Phylogenetic trees were calculated using Maximum-likelihood (ML) and Bayesian inference (BI) meth...
<p>Best tree from maximum likelihood analysis of combined plastid dataset: <i>atpB</i>, <i>matK</i>,...
<p>Bayesian posterior probability (BPP) values (in bold) ≥ 0.7 and Maximum Likelihood bootstrap (MLB...
<p>Species newly sequenced in the present study are marked in bold. Numbers at the nodes represent t...
<p>Both Bayesian and maximum likelihood analyses resulted in identical topologies, shown here as a c...
Maximum likelihood phylogenomic analyses were carried out for two very similar datasets: 153/253 (15...
Bootstrap support and posterior probability (PP) values are shown at the nodes.</p
<p>Values associated to nodes are Bayesian posterior probabilities / maximum-likelihood bootstrap su...
<p>Concatenated phylogeny, inferred from 18S+5.8S+28S+actin+beta-tubulin+<i>hsp90</i> (5626 characte...
<p>Consensus tree of all trees for the Bayesian analysis of the combined data set (from an initial 2...
<p>Representatives of the Pavlovophyceae were used as an out-group. The numbers on each node indicat...
<p>Posterior probabilities are shown at the nodes. The tree is rooted with the araphid pennate taxa ...
<p>The species <i>Paramegophrys oshanensis</i> and <i>Megophrys nasuta</i> were included as outgroup...
<p>Representatives of the Pavlovophyceae were used as an out-group. Asterisks refer to the clade nam...
<p>Majority rule consensus tree for Bayesian inference of phylogeographic relationships among mitoch...
<p>Phylogenetic trees were calculated using Maximum-likelihood (ML) and Bayesian inference (BI) meth...
<p>Best tree from maximum likelihood analysis of combined plastid dataset: <i>atpB</i>, <i>matK</i>,...
<p>Bayesian posterior probability (BPP) values (in bold) ≥ 0.7 and Maximum Likelihood bootstrap (MLB...
<p>Species newly sequenced in the present study are marked in bold. Numbers at the nodes represent t...
<p>Both Bayesian and maximum likelihood analyses resulted in identical topologies, shown here as a c...
Maximum likelihood phylogenomic analyses were carried out for two very similar datasets: 153/253 (15...
Bootstrap support and posterior probability (PP) values are shown at the nodes.</p
<p>Values associated to nodes are Bayesian posterior probabilities / maximum-likelihood bootstrap su...
<p>Concatenated phylogeny, inferred from 18S+5.8S+28S+actin+beta-tubulin+<i>hsp90</i> (5626 characte...