Figure S5. Expression of HDAC1, HDAC2 and HDAC6 mRNA following treatment of UCCs with 19i or SAHA. Effects of 24 and 48 h treatment with 19i (2 μM), SAHA (2.5 μM) or DMSO as solvent control on mRNA expression of HDAC1, HDAC2 and HDAC6 in VM-CUB1, UM-UC-3 and 639-V cells. All values indicate relative expression compared to a standard for each gene, adjusted to TBP as a reference gene and set as 1 for the solvent control. Significance levels likewise refer to the solvent control (* = p < 0.05). Data shown are mean from n = 3. (PDF 105 kb
Figure S7. HDACi modulate decitabine-induced RIG-1 and MDA5 expression in MPM cells. Meso34 (top), M...
Figure S2. Effects of VPA and SAHA treatments on PMCA4b protein expression and histone H3 acetylatio...
Figure S1. The combination effect of MPT0G211 and chemotherapeutic agent on acute leukemia cell line...
Figure S6. Effect of 19i treatment on the expression of class IIA HDAC mRNAs in HDAC4 overexpressing...
Figure S7. Effects of treatment with 19i on primary normal urothelial cells using High Content Analy...
Data on expression changes of of p57 KIP2 mRNA by combination treatment in UC cells. Relative mRNA e...
Figure S1. (A) Densitometry analysis of western blot shows efficacy of HDAC 1 and HDAC 2 knockdown a...
a CDKN1A mutations in UCCs. p21CIP1 expression of UCCs was assessed by western blotting with α-tubul...
Viability in UCCs after sequential treatment with AZD7762 and gemcitabine. Relative cell viability i...
Figure S3. A) J82 cells transiently transfected with control shRNAs (shCTRL) or sh-CCDC6 plasmids we...
Figure S1. HDAC1–3 expression correlated B7-H1 expression in clinical gastric specimens. (A) B7-H1 a...
Figure S3. HDACi increase decitabine-induced CTA expression in Meso96 cells. Meso96 cells were treat...
Figure S6. HDACi increase decitabine-induced CTA expression in Meso45 cells. Meso45 cells were treat...
Figure S4. (a, b) qRT-PCR was used to analyze in HCC HLF(a) and Bel7402(b) cells for mRNA levels of ...
Figure S1 Levels of PRKD1 gene transcript and DNA methylation in HNSCC (TCGA). A. Provisional data o...
Figure S7. HDACi modulate decitabine-induced RIG-1 and MDA5 expression in MPM cells. Meso34 (top), M...
Figure S2. Effects of VPA and SAHA treatments on PMCA4b protein expression and histone H3 acetylatio...
Figure S1. The combination effect of MPT0G211 and chemotherapeutic agent on acute leukemia cell line...
Figure S6. Effect of 19i treatment on the expression of class IIA HDAC mRNAs in HDAC4 overexpressing...
Figure S7. Effects of treatment with 19i on primary normal urothelial cells using High Content Analy...
Data on expression changes of of p57 KIP2 mRNA by combination treatment in UC cells. Relative mRNA e...
Figure S1. (A) Densitometry analysis of western blot shows efficacy of HDAC 1 and HDAC 2 knockdown a...
a CDKN1A mutations in UCCs. p21CIP1 expression of UCCs was assessed by western blotting with α-tubul...
Viability in UCCs after sequential treatment with AZD7762 and gemcitabine. Relative cell viability i...
Figure S3. A) J82 cells transiently transfected with control shRNAs (shCTRL) or sh-CCDC6 plasmids we...
Figure S1. HDAC1–3 expression correlated B7-H1 expression in clinical gastric specimens. (A) B7-H1 a...
Figure S3. HDACi increase decitabine-induced CTA expression in Meso96 cells. Meso96 cells were treat...
Figure S6. HDACi increase decitabine-induced CTA expression in Meso45 cells. Meso45 cells were treat...
Figure S4. (a, b) qRT-PCR was used to analyze in HCC HLF(a) and Bel7402(b) cells for mRNA levels of ...
Figure S1 Levels of PRKD1 gene transcript and DNA methylation in HNSCC (TCGA). A. Provisional data o...
Figure S7. HDACi modulate decitabine-induced RIG-1 and MDA5 expression in MPM cells. Meso34 (top), M...
Figure S2. Effects of VPA and SAHA treatments on PMCA4b protein expression and histone H3 acetylatio...
Figure S1. The combination effect of MPT0G211 and chemotherapeutic agent on acute leukemia cell line...