Figure S1. Breakpoint identification accuracy as compared to gene synteny. Considered are adjacent pairs of human genes with one-to-one orthologs and intergenic distance below a size threshold. (A) Positive predicted value as the fraction of non-syntenic gene pairs with breakpoint from all considered gene pairs (syntenic and non-syntenic) with breakpoint. (B) False positive rate as the percent of syntenic gene pairs with breakpoint from the sum of syntenic pairs with breakpoint and non-syntenic gene pairs without breakpoint. (PDF 21 kb
Supplemental figure – The observation that the number of significantly overlapping genes is bounded ...
Comparing the Cotton DNAm XCI status calls and consensus calls. No data reflects genes which were no...
A zoomed-in 600kb region of synteny identified with lower gap threshold in MCScanX between the refer...
Figure S2. Distribution of evolutionary rearrangement breakpoints between human and 12 vertebrate ge...
Figure S3. Distance between rearrangement breakpoints and random controls to closest TAD boundary. F...
Table S2. Ortholog genes in human and mouse with gene expression correlation across tissues. (TSV 10...
Table S1. Matching tissues and samples with CAGE expression data in human and mouse. (TSV 2 kb
Scatter plot of recombination rate within genetic, physical, and activity links. Figure S2. Recombin...
Supplementary figures and tables. Figure S1: Comparison of thresholds to retrieve the number of comm...
Figure S1. Intrachromosomal colocalization strengthens the co-expression of always-neighboring and e...
Novel candidate conserved homologs associated with genes sets. Sheet 1: results using tissue gene se...
Figure S1: First Singular Vector of SVD analysis compared to the High Conservation Centroid of the c...
Functional analysis of genes with high and low number of commonly co-expressed genes. Sheet 1: Funct...
Evolutionary changes of gene sets described by the four parameters of conservation explained in the ...
Gene co-expression and connectivity. List of humans and mice homologous genes annotated with HGNC sy...
Supplemental figure – The observation that the number of significantly overlapping genes is bounded ...
Comparing the Cotton DNAm XCI status calls and consensus calls. No data reflects genes which were no...
A zoomed-in 600kb region of synteny identified with lower gap threshold in MCScanX between the refer...
Figure S2. Distribution of evolutionary rearrangement breakpoints between human and 12 vertebrate ge...
Figure S3. Distance between rearrangement breakpoints and random controls to closest TAD boundary. F...
Table S2. Ortholog genes in human and mouse with gene expression correlation across tissues. (TSV 10...
Table S1. Matching tissues and samples with CAGE expression data in human and mouse. (TSV 2 kb
Scatter plot of recombination rate within genetic, physical, and activity links. Figure S2. Recombin...
Supplementary figures and tables. Figure S1: Comparison of thresholds to retrieve the number of comm...
Figure S1. Intrachromosomal colocalization strengthens the co-expression of always-neighboring and e...
Novel candidate conserved homologs associated with genes sets. Sheet 1: results using tissue gene se...
Figure S1: First Singular Vector of SVD analysis compared to the High Conservation Centroid of the c...
Functional analysis of genes with high and low number of commonly co-expressed genes. Sheet 1: Funct...
Evolutionary changes of gene sets described by the four parameters of conservation explained in the ...
Gene co-expression and connectivity. List of humans and mice homologous genes annotated with HGNC sy...
Supplemental figure – The observation that the number of significantly overlapping genes is bounded ...
Comparing the Cotton DNAm XCI status calls and consensus calls. No data reflects genes which were no...
A zoomed-in 600kb region of synteny identified with lower gap threshold in MCScanX between the refer...