Análisis ruta de altura 2016, Restaurante Marcus Apicius

  • Guanotásig Taco, Mónica Aracely
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Publication date
January 2017
The American Mosquito Control Association


At the Marcus Restaurant, in Universidad San Francisco de Quito, the featured menu is Trail of Height. It represents the flavors and traditional foods of the Sierra region from north to south It also shows the wide diversity of festivities and food. High lighting national foods in a variety of colorful and inviting dishes. The cost of the menu are analyzed, considering the profit received during the week Trail of Height was featured.Ruta de Altura es un menú presentado en el Restaurante Marcus de la Universidad San Francisco de Quito, donde se presenta de Norte a Sur la gran diversidad de sabores y comida tradicional de la región Sierra. Además se presenta la gran diversidad de festividades y alimentos. Potenciando la utilización de product...

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