International audienceA design rule for mapping optimisation adapted to the turbo-equalisation improved by iterative demapping is presented. It is demonstrated that owing to a carefully designed mapping, different to the classical Gray mapping, bit error rate performance is improved for a frequency-selective channel
Abstract — Turbo equalization is a joint iterative equalization and decoding technique known to prod...
Abstract — Turbo equalization improves communication sys-tem performance by iteratively exchanging i...
ITC/USA 2008 Conference Proceedings / The Forty-Fourth Annual International Telemetering Conference ...
The purpose is to assess the performance of bit-interleaved turbo equalization (TE) over static freq...
International audienceThis paper deals with a new receiver scheme that uses the same principle as tu...
Abstract—In this paper, we propose to study the effect of the choice of the mapping on the performan...
Abstract: This paper investigates the subject of turbo equalizations in which a receiver combines th...
In this paper, channel equalization algorithms processing two samples of the received signal per cha...
In iterative equalization and decoding the "turbo--principle" is used for iterative detect...
In wireless communication systems, turbo equalization has been used to mitigate the intersymbol int...
The aim of this thesis is to study and to improve a digital receiver which is called a turbo-equaliz...
In this work various channel equalization algorithms operating in the frequency domain are described...
Transmission of digital information through a wireless channel with resolvable multipaths or a bandw...
International audienceThis paper deals with a low complexity receiver scheme for high order modulati...
In this paper, we apply the Jacobi iterative algorithm to combat intersymbol interference caused by ...
Abstract — Turbo equalization is a joint iterative equalization and decoding technique known to prod...
Abstract — Turbo equalization improves communication sys-tem performance by iteratively exchanging i...
ITC/USA 2008 Conference Proceedings / The Forty-Fourth Annual International Telemetering Conference ...
The purpose is to assess the performance of bit-interleaved turbo equalization (TE) over static freq...
International audienceThis paper deals with a new receiver scheme that uses the same principle as tu...
Abstract—In this paper, we propose to study the effect of the choice of the mapping on the performan...
Abstract: This paper investigates the subject of turbo equalizations in which a receiver combines th...
In this paper, channel equalization algorithms processing two samples of the received signal per cha...
In iterative equalization and decoding the "turbo--principle" is used for iterative detect...
In wireless communication systems, turbo equalization has been used to mitigate the intersymbol int...
The aim of this thesis is to study and to improve a digital receiver which is called a turbo-equaliz...
In this work various channel equalization algorithms operating in the frequency domain are described...
Transmission of digital information through a wireless channel with resolvable multipaths or a bandw...
International audienceThis paper deals with a low complexity receiver scheme for high order modulati...
In this paper, we apply the Jacobi iterative algorithm to combat intersymbol interference caused by ...
Abstract — Turbo equalization is a joint iterative equalization and decoding technique known to prod...
Abstract — Turbo equalization improves communication sys-tem performance by iteratively exchanging i...
ITC/USA 2008 Conference Proceedings / The Forty-Fourth Annual International Telemetering Conference ...