Instagram became one of the social media that is widely used by the people of Indonesia, from people to official. Social media is also used by state officials to be a means of communicating with their citizens. One official who uses this instagram is the mayor of Bandung Mr. RidwanKamil. In his personal instagram followed by many other instagram users they are domiciled in Bandung or not, RidwanKamil often post things related to social issues. This social problem is the focus of this thesis research. By using quantitative descriptive analysis method, this research is based on RidwanKamil upload on instagramnya in period of June 2016 until September 2016 which can be as much as 404 uploads. Found many social issues that helped beco...
The government Surabaya city is one that uses Instagram as a forum for delivering information to the...
This research discusses the use of social media instagram KPK @KPK_RI. Social media is the fastest m...
Instagram serves as an example of the most famous social media platforms. Instagram, particularly fo...
Social media in Indonesia is an interesting phenomenon; its huge number of users is benefited by man...
Instagram is one of the social media that popular these days. Instagram was release in 2010 and has...
Abstract The use of social media, especially Instagram, is currently the focus of the Indonesian gov...
Penelitian ini berjudul “ Pemanfaatan Media Sosial Instagram Sebagai Media Komunikasi Publik di Din...
Pada tahun 2018, pengguna media sosial di Indonesia mencapai 49% dari total penduduk Indonesia yaitu...
The research was entitled the utilization of social media Instagram on Account @Berbaginasi_Ptk in I...
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh fenomena tren berbelanja secara online melalui media sosial ins...
The phenomenon of preaching message content on Instagram is currently a process of changing the use ...
Pada masa saat ini dalam melakukan publikasi kepada masyarakat sangatlah mudah karena banyak sekali ...
Utilization of Instagram Social Media in the General Election Commission (KPU) of Riau Province Sudi...
ABSTRRACT The user of social media instagram increase continuously every year. Since it launched ...
Media sosial instagram pada umumnya digunakan untuk mengunggah foto dan video apapun yang menarik, n...
The government Surabaya city is one that uses Instagram as a forum for delivering information to the...
This research discusses the use of social media instagram KPK @KPK_RI. Social media is the fastest m...
Instagram serves as an example of the most famous social media platforms. Instagram, particularly fo...
Social media in Indonesia is an interesting phenomenon; its huge number of users is benefited by man...
Instagram is one of the social media that popular these days. Instagram was release in 2010 and has...
Abstract The use of social media, especially Instagram, is currently the focus of the Indonesian gov...
Penelitian ini berjudul “ Pemanfaatan Media Sosial Instagram Sebagai Media Komunikasi Publik di Din...
Pada tahun 2018, pengguna media sosial di Indonesia mencapai 49% dari total penduduk Indonesia yaitu...
The research was entitled the utilization of social media Instagram on Account @Berbaginasi_Ptk in I...
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh fenomena tren berbelanja secara online melalui media sosial ins...
The phenomenon of preaching message content on Instagram is currently a process of changing the use ...
Pada masa saat ini dalam melakukan publikasi kepada masyarakat sangatlah mudah karena banyak sekali ...
Utilization of Instagram Social Media in the General Election Commission (KPU) of Riau Province Sudi...
ABSTRRACT The user of social media instagram increase continuously every year. Since it launched ...
Media sosial instagram pada umumnya digunakan untuk mengunggah foto dan video apapun yang menarik, n...
The government Surabaya city is one that uses Instagram as a forum for delivering information to the...
This research discusses the use of social media instagram KPK @KPK_RI. Social media is the fastest m...
Instagram serves as an example of the most famous social media platforms. Instagram, particularly fo...