Effect of sewage treatment plants and diffuse pollution on the occurrence of protozoal parasites in the course of a small river

  • Kistemann, Thomas
  • Rind, Esther
  • Koch, Christoph
  • Claßen, Thomas
  • Lengen, Charis
  • Exner, Martin
  • Rechenburg, Andrea
Publication date
January 2012
Elsevier BV
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Kistemann T, Rind E, Koch C, et al. Effect of sewage treatment plants and diffuse pollution on the occurrence of protozoal parasites in the course of a small river. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health. 2012;215(6):577-583.In Germany, protozoal parasites are detected frequently in surface waters. This study aims to assess the parasitological pollution in a river course and two of its tributaries under regular weather conditions. Cryptosporidium was detected in 67% of all samples. The median concentration was 4 oocysts/1001. Giardia lamblia were detected in 90% of the samples. The median concentration of G. lamblia was 22 cysts/1001 and increased significantly following the river course. A statistically significant corre...

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