Afanasii Nikitin’s Weltanschaung

  • Lur'e, Iakov Solomonovich
  • Лурье, Я. С. [Яков Соломонович]
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Publication date
August 1987
William R. Veder, Vakgroep Slavistiek, Katholieke Universiteit, Postbus 9103, 6500 HD Nijmegen (Holland)


Paper sent in to a colloquium on Early Protestantism in Eastern Europe initially conceived by Anne Pennington for the Medieval Study Group.For a translation of this article, see: Lur'e, Ia., S., “Afanasii Nikitin’s Weltanschaung,” trans., Jana R. Howlett, Polata Knigopisnaia 16 (August 1987): 125-140.Я. С. [Яков Соломонович] Лурье, Институт русской литературы АН СССР, Ленинград / Ia. S. Lur'e, Institute of Russian Literature, AN SSSR, LeningradLur'e discusses Afanasii Nikitin's "Khozhenie za tri moria," reviewing the critical literature on this work and commenting on why Nikitin may have traveled to India

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