New Information about the Internal Anatomy and Taphonomic History of Trilobites Revealed through CT Scanning

  • Rutana, Michael
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Publication date
December 2015
The Ohio State University Libraries


X-ray computed tomography (CT or XCT) scans were made of eight trilobite species hypothesized to have internal remains preserved through early diagenetic processes. Specimens range in age from Cambrian Epoch 3 to Late Ordovician. XCT scans reveal early mineralization lining the digestive systems. Studied forms show either a non-bifurcate digestive system architecture (interpreted as primitive) or a bifurcate architecture (interpreted as derived). Taxa showing a non-bifurcate architecture are Elrathia kingii, Modocia laevinucha, Labiostria westropi, Alokistocare idahoensis, Olenoides nevadensis, Hemirhodon amplipyge, (all Cambrian), and Flexicalymene retrorsa (Ordovician). Isoteloides flexus (Ordovician) shows a bifurcate digestive system ar...

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