Title: “The correlation between earnings management and the unqualified audit report” Background: Earnings managementproduces the financial statements from a point of view that is not consistent with a true picture. This has a negative impact on accounting quality. A low accounting quality may mean that the auditor submits an unqualified audit report. Purpose: The study aims to examining the relationship between earnings management and unqualified audit reports. Method: This study has a deductive approach with cross-sectional design. The study is based on a theoretical basis aimed at describing previous research, mainly about earnings management and unqualified audit reports. The sample has been tested quantative and consists of audit repo...
Recent high-profile earnings management cases (e.g., WorldCom) and the collapse of Enron have put th...
Non-audit services provided by audit firms have been a popular scientific topic within the fields of...
Previous research on the private sector shows that auditors and auditing firms areimportant actors i...
Title: “The correlation between earnings management and the unqualified audit report” Background: Ea...
Frågeställning: Påverkas en revisors benägenhet att avge en ren eller oren revisionsberättelse av re...
Resultatjustering är ett hot mot trovärdigheten i den finansiella rapporteringen, och är ett ämn...
The thesis processes the auditor’s role and whether it can constrain possible earnings management in...
The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether firms with qualified audit reports are more like...
Title: The qualified audit report – a study of Board of Director, Private Corporation and auditor’s ...
Titel: “The Numbers Game” - En studie om effekterna av revisionskommitténs sammansättning och arbets...
Background and problem: Due to a large number of accounting scandals the academic term earnings mana...
Bakgrund: Frivillig revision är ett relativt nytt fenomen i Sverige. Efter avskaffandet av revisions...
Different researches employ different empirical methodsto assess earnings management. One of the met...
Bakgrund: Resultatmanipulering inträffar när bolagets ledning väljer att vilseleda intressenterna om...
Recent high-profile earnings management cases (e.g., WorldCom) and the collapse of Enron have put th...
Non-audit services provided by audit firms have been a popular scientific topic within the fields of...
Previous research on the private sector shows that auditors and auditing firms areimportant actors i...
Title: “The correlation between earnings management and the unqualified audit report” Background: Ea...
Frågeställning: Påverkas en revisors benägenhet att avge en ren eller oren revisionsberättelse av re...
Resultatjustering är ett hot mot trovärdigheten i den finansiella rapporteringen, och är ett ämn...
The thesis processes the auditor’s role and whether it can constrain possible earnings management in...
The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether firms with qualified audit reports are more like...
Title: The qualified audit report – a study of Board of Director, Private Corporation and auditor’s ...
Titel: “The Numbers Game” - En studie om effekterna av revisionskommitténs sammansättning och arbets...
Background and problem: Due to a large number of accounting scandals the academic term earnings mana...
Bakgrund: Frivillig revision är ett relativt nytt fenomen i Sverige. Efter avskaffandet av revisions...
Different researches employ different empirical methodsto assess earnings management. One of the met...
Bakgrund: Resultatmanipulering inträffar när bolagets ledning väljer att vilseleda intressenterna om...
Recent high-profile earnings management cases (e.g., WorldCom) and the collapse of Enron have put th...
Non-audit services provided by audit firms have been a popular scientific topic within the fields of...
Previous research on the private sector shows that auditors and auditing firms areimportant actors i...