Zakotnik J, Page KL, Dürr V, Matheson T. Biomechanics and neural acitivity underlying targeted limb movements in the locust. In: Proc. 7th Congr. Int. Soc. Neuroethol. 2004: po 236-po 236
Four main proprioceptors monitor tibial position in the hindleg of the locust: the femoral chordoton...
Zakotnik J, Matheson T, Dürr V. Co-contraction and passive forces facilitate load compensation of ai...
This study demonstrates that the thoracic and abdominal nervous system of locusts is sufficient to m...
Page KL, Zakotnik J, Dürr V, Matheson T. The motor control of aimed limb movements in an insect. Jou...
Matheson T, Dürr V. Targeted limb movements of insects. Journal of Physiology. 2002;543:S1P
Dürr V, Matheson T. Functional somatatopy of targeted limb movements in an insect. In: Proc.Götting...
Page KL, Zakotnik J, Dürr V, Matheson T. Motor control of aimed limb movements in an insect. Journal...
Matheson T, Dürr V. Load compensation in targeted limb movements of an insect. Journal of Experiment...
When reaching toward a target, human subjects use slower movements to achieve higher accuracy, and t...
Developmental changes may affect aimed limb movements by altering limb mass, muscle strength and mus...
Developmental changes may affect aimed limb movements by altering limb mass, muscle strength and mus...
Ontogenetic locomotion research focuses on the evolution of locomotion behavior in different develop...
Cruse H. What mechanisms coordinate leg movement in walking arthropods? In: Erber J, Menzel R, Pflüg...
A brief description is given of the anatomy, innervation and mechanical properties of the extensor t...
The nervous systems of animals evolved to exert dynamic control of behavior in response to the needs...
Four main proprioceptors monitor tibial position in the hindleg of the locust: the femoral chordoton...
Zakotnik J, Matheson T, Dürr V. Co-contraction and passive forces facilitate load compensation of ai...
This study demonstrates that the thoracic and abdominal nervous system of locusts is sufficient to m...
Page KL, Zakotnik J, Dürr V, Matheson T. The motor control of aimed limb movements in an insect. Jou...
Matheson T, Dürr V. Targeted limb movements of insects. Journal of Physiology. 2002;543:S1P
Dürr V, Matheson T. Functional somatatopy of targeted limb movements in an insect. In: Proc.Götting...
Page KL, Zakotnik J, Dürr V, Matheson T. Motor control of aimed limb movements in an insect. Journal...
Matheson T, Dürr V. Load compensation in targeted limb movements of an insect. Journal of Experiment...
When reaching toward a target, human subjects use slower movements to achieve higher accuracy, and t...
Developmental changes may affect aimed limb movements by altering limb mass, muscle strength and mus...
Developmental changes may affect aimed limb movements by altering limb mass, muscle strength and mus...
Ontogenetic locomotion research focuses on the evolution of locomotion behavior in different develop...
Cruse H. What mechanisms coordinate leg movement in walking arthropods? In: Erber J, Menzel R, Pflüg...
A brief description is given of the anatomy, innervation and mechanical properties of the extensor t...
The nervous systems of animals evolved to exert dynamic control of behavior in response to the needs...
Four main proprioceptors monitor tibial position in the hindleg of the locust: the femoral chordoton...
Zakotnik J, Matheson T, Dürr V. Co-contraction and passive forces facilitate load compensation of ai...
This study demonstrates that the thoracic and abdominal nervous system of locusts is sufficient to m...