Justus M, Brückl H, Reiss G. Hard magnetic CoCr layer in ferromagnetic tunnel junctions. In: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS. Vol 240. ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV; 2002: 212-214.In magnetic tunnel junctions a highly spin-polarizing layer is usually exchange biased by an antiferromagnetic layer, an artificial antiferromagnetic layer system or a combination of both, while the magnetically soft layer is free to rotate. The use of a single layer of a hard magnetic material is rarely investigated up to now. In this paper, we present the electric and magnetic properties of tunnel junctions with a hard magnetic Co83Cr17 layer. The soft magnetic electrode consists of either a single Co layer or a C...
Manos O, Bougiatioti P, Dyck D, et al. Correlation of tunnel magnetoresistance with the magnetic pro...
Schmalhorst J-M, Brückl H, Reiss G, Gieres G, Wecker J. Thermally induced changes of magnetic coupli...
International audienceThe magnetic properties of double tunnel junctions with perpendicular anisotro...
Schmalhorst J-M, Brückl H, Reiss G, Gieres G, Wecker J. Evolution of magnetic coupling in ferromagne...
Recently, the perpendicular magnetization of tunnel junctions has been proposed as a way to reduce t...
Kugler Z, Grote J-P, Drewello V, Schebaum O, Reiss G, Thomas A. Co/Pt multilayer-based magnetic tunn...
Reinartz A, Schmalhorst J-M, Reiss G. Influence of annealing temperature and thickness of a CoFeB mi...
Manos O, Böhnke A, Bougiatioti P, et al. Tunneling magnetoresistance of perpendicular CoFeB-based ju...
Wiese N, Dimopoulos T, Ruhrig M, Wecker J, Brückl H, Reiss G. Antiferromagnetically coupled CoFeB/Ru...
Schebaum O, Drewello V, Auge A, et al. Tunnel magnetoresistance in alumina, magnesia and composite t...
In this investigation, the low-frequency alternate-current (AC) magnetic susceptibility (χac) and hy...
We investigated how the Pt capping layer affected perpendicular magnet anisotropy in magnetic-tunnel...
[[abstract]]Spin-dependent tunnel junctions, Co/Al2O3/Co (CoFe)/NiFe, were fabricated to investigate...
International audienceThe influence of the bottom and top magnetic electrodes thicknesses on both pe...
Schmalhorst J-M, Brückl H, Reiss G, Vieth M, Gieres G, Wecker J. Temperature stability of Co/Al2O3/C...
Manos O, Bougiatioti P, Dyck D, et al. Correlation of tunnel magnetoresistance with the magnetic pro...
Schmalhorst J-M, Brückl H, Reiss G, Gieres G, Wecker J. Thermally induced changes of magnetic coupli...
International audienceThe magnetic properties of double tunnel junctions with perpendicular anisotro...
Schmalhorst J-M, Brückl H, Reiss G, Gieres G, Wecker J. Evolution of magnetic coupling in ferromagne...
Recently, the perpendicular magnetization of tunnel junctions has been proposed as a way to reduce t...
Kugler Z, Grote J-P, Drewello V, Schebaum O, Reiss G, Thomas A. Co/Pt multilayer-based magnetic tunn...
Reinartz A, Schmalhorst J-M, Reiss G. Influence of annealing temperature and thickness of a CoFeB mi...
Manos O, Böhnke A, Bougiatioti P, et al. Tunneling magnetoresistance of perpendicular CoFeB-based ju...
Wiese N, Dimopoulos T, Ruhrig M, Wecker J, Brückl H, Reiss G. Antiferromagnetically coupled CoFeB/Ru...
Schebaum O, Drewello V, Auge A, et al. Tunnel magnetoresistance in alumina, magnesia and composite t...
In this investigation, the low-frequency alternate-current (AC) magnetic susceptibility (χac) and hy...
We investigated how the Pt capping layer affected perpendicular magnet anisotropy in magnetic-tunnel...
[[abstract]]Spin-dependent tunnel junctions, Co/Al2O3/Co (CoFe)/NiFe, were fabricated to investigate...
International audienceThe influence of the bottom and top magnetic electrodes thicknesses on both pe...
Schmalhorst J-M, Brückl H, Reiss G, Vieth M, Gieres G, Wecker J. Temperature stability of Co/Al2O3/C...
Manos O, Bougiatioti P, Dyck D, et al. Correlation of tunnel magnetoresistance with the magnetic pro...
Schmalhorst J-M, Brückl H, Reiss G, Gieres G, Wecker J. Thermally induced changes of magnetic coupli...
International audienceThe magnetic properties of double tunnel junctions with perpendicular anisotro...