W tekście podjęto problematykę związaną z rozwojem uniwersytetów i szkolnictwa wyższego w wymiarze globalnym i na przykładzie Polski. Dla zobrazowania podjętego problemu skupiono się na: (1) idei autonomii i elitaryzmu uczelni w perspektywie historycznej i współczesnej, (2) ułudzie elitaryzmu wykształcenia i awansu społecznego jaki się jemu przypisuje, (3) micie elastyczności wykształcenia generowanego m.in. przez polityków. W tekście wskazano na główne procesy zachodzące w nauce: (1) z wiekami następowało znoszenie autonomii uniwersytetów, (2) usuwany jest “humanistyczny etos” uniwersytetów, (3) uniwersytety przekształcane są w “wyższe szkoły zawodowe”, (4) szkolnictwo wyższe rozwijane jest jako jeden z sektorów usług, (5) uniwersytety prz...
Research on higher education has a relatively short history, although issues concerning the role of ...
The paper intends to discuss changes in Polish higher education related to processes of its marketiz...
Motivation: Marketisation of higher education accompanying the development of a market economy havin...
W tekście podjęto problematykę związaną z rozwojem uniwersytetów i szkolnictwa wyższego w wymiarze g...
The paper describes the problems associated with the development of universities and higher educatio...
The aim of this paper is to assess the transformation of the education system in Poland in the last ...
Starting from the system transformation in 1989, the system of higher education in Poland underwent ...
In the conditions of dynamic demographic, technological and structural-market changes, as well as so...
The article is an answer to questions concerning values, goals and functions of the University in th...
This article focuses on the functioning of the institutions of higher education in the context of go...
The paper locates the past two decades of changes in Polish universities in a comparative European ...
The paper is an attempt to summarize nearly three decades of the development of higher education in ...
AbstractThe aim of this paper is to assess the transformation of the education system in Poland in t...
The paper concerns the issue of adjusting the offer of Polish higher-education institutions to the l...
The paper links several interrelated processes in Central and Eastern European higher education: exp...
Research on higher education has a relatively short history, although issues concerning the role of ...
The paper intends to discuss changes in Polish higher education related to processes of its marketiz...
Motivation: Marketisation of higher education accompanying the development of a market economy havin...
W tekście podjęto problematykę związaną z rozwojem uniwersytetów i szkolnictwa wyższego w wymiarze g...
The paper describes the problems associated with the development of universities and higher educatio...
The aim of this paper is to assess the transformation of the education system in Poland in the last ...
Starting from the system transformation in 1989, the system of higher education in Poland underwent ...
In the conditions of dynamic demographic, technological and structural-market changes, as well as so...
The article is an answer to questions concerning values, goals and functions of the University in th...
This article focuses on the functioning of the institutions of higher education in the context of go...
The paper locates the past two decades of changes in Polish universities in a comparative European ...
The paper is an attempt to summarize nearly three decades of the development of higher education in ...
AbstractThe aim of this paper is to assess the transformation of the education system in Poland in t...
The paper concerns the issue of adjusting the offer of Polish higher-education institutions to the l...
The paper links several interrelated processes in Central and Eastern European higher education: exp...
Research on higher education has a relatively short history, although issues concerning the role of ...
The paper intends to discuss changes in Polish higher education related to processes of its marketiz...
Motivation: Marketisation of higher education accompanying the development of a market economy havin...