WANDA YUNILAN, The Correlation Between Servicescape With Purchase Decision Alfamart Minimarket Pisangan Baru On Citizen Association 014 Pisangan Baru Village, Matraman Sub-Distric, In Jakarta City. Commerce Education Studies Program, Department of Economics and Administration, Faculty of Economics, State University of Jakarta. This research was conducted in RW.014, Pisangan Baru Village, Matraman SubDistric, In Jakarta City, for seven months, starting from February 2016 to June 2016. The purpose of this study is to determine Correlation Between Servicescape With Purchase Decision Alfamart Minimarket Pisangan Baru On Citizen Association 014 Pisangan Baru Village, Matraman Sub-Distric, In Jakarta City. The research method used is sur...
AZIZ SUMARLIN, The Correlation between Servicescape and Price Perception with The Costumer Satisfact...
RAHMAT HIDAYAT, The Correlation Between Product Display and Store Atmosphere With Impulsive Buying M...
YODI, The Correlation between Store Atmosphere and Service Quality with The Purchase Decision 7-Elev...
RESTIA NUR RIZKY. The Correlation Between Discount And Servicescape With Purchase Decision Indomaret...
Penelitian ini dilakukan di RW 014 Kelurahan Pisangan Baru Kecamatan Matraman di Jakarta. Penelitia...
ICHSAN CHANDRA PRASETYO, The Correlation Between Customer Retention with Customer Loyalty Minimark...
ASRI APRILIA, The Correlation Between Lifestyle With Impulse Buying At Matahari Department Store Kal...
SYIFA NURUL AINI. The Correlation Between Visual Merchandising And Service Quality With Purchase Dec...
MELYA MAYANG PUSPYTARINY. Correlation Between Servicescape With Customer Loyalty at District 04 Ment...
ANDIKA ALFAQURI, The Correlation Between Service Quality With Purchase Intention At 7-Eleven Jalan P...
SITI RODIAH. The Correlation Between Location And Promotion With Purchase Decision 7-Eleven Jalan Pe...
PUSPAWANA LESTARI, The Correlation Between Discount With Purchase Decision in Matahari Department St...
YUNI VERONICA, Correlation between servicescape arion mall with consumer satisfaction in student at ...
SUBHAN NURDIN, Correlation Between Location Toward Purchase Decision At Naga Swalayan On RW. 007 Kel...
SITI HERNAWATI, The Correlation Between Assortment With Purchase Decision Carrefour Mall Season City...
AZIZ SUMARLIN, The Correlation between Servicescape and Price Perception with The Costumer Satisfact...
RAHMAT HIDAYAT, The Correlation Between Product Display and Store Atmosphere With Impulsive Buying M...
YODI, The Correlation between Store Atmosphere and Service Quality with The Purchase Decision 7-Elev...
RESTIA NUR RIZKY. The Correlation Between Discount And Servicescape With Purchase Decision Indomaret...
Penelitian ini dilakukan di RW 014 Kelurahan Pisangan Baru Kecamatan Matraman di Jakarta. Penelitia...
ICHSAN CHANDRA PRASETYO, The Correlation Between Customer Retention with Customer Loyalty Minimark...
ASRI APRILIA, The Correlation Between Lifestyle With Impulse Buying At Matahari Department Store Kal...
SYIFA NURUL AINI. The Correlation Between Visual Merchandising And Service Quality With Purchase Dec...
MELYA MAYANG PUSPYTARINY. Correlation Between Servicescape With Customer Loyalty at District 04 Ment...
ANDIKA ALFAQURI, The Correlation Between Service Quality With Purchase Intention At 7-Eleven Jalan P...
SITI RODIAH. The Correlation Between Location And Promotion With Purchase Decision 7-Eleven Jalan Pe...
PUSPAWANA LESTARI, The Correlation Between Discount With Purchase Decision in Matahari Department St...
YUNI VERONICA, Correlation between servicescape arion mall with consumer satisfaction in student at ...
SUBHAN NURDIN, Correlation Between Location Toward Purchase Decision At Naga Swalayan On RW. 007 Kel...
SITI HERNAWATI, The Correlation Between Assortment With Purchase Decision Carrefour Mall Season City...
AZIZ SUMARLIN, The Correlation between Servicescape and Price Perception with The Costumer Satisfact...
RAHMAT HIDAYAT, The Correlation Between Product Display and Store Atmosphere With Impulsive Buying M...
YODI, The Correlation between Store Atmosphere and Service Quality with The Purchase Decision 7-Elev...