Darbā apskatīts viens no termiskās dekompozīcijas matemātisko modeļu veidiem pie pieņēmuma par degšanas procesa paralēlo multireakciju dabu. Pētāmais objekts ir biomasa; tiek parādīts, kā iespējams interpretēt biomasas degšanu caur reakciju kinētisko parametru sadalījuma likumu. Modelim demonstrēti vienkāršojumi un pielāgojumi tipisku problēmsituāciju gadījumos, kā arī skaitliski rezultāti, kas apliecina modeļa pamatotību. Šis modelis tiek uzskatīts par svarīgu rīku ilgtspējīgu, ekoloģisku energoresursu izpētē un attīstībā.This paper focuses on studying thermal decomposition via mathematical model when the physical phenomena is assumed to be a multi parallel reaction process. The matter of interest is biomass; it is shown how to interpret t...
In this study, an investigation about the thermal behavior of four different woods was carried out. ...
Abstract Modelling is a complex task combining elements of knowledge in the field of computer scienc...
Modelling is a complex task combining elements of knowledge in the field of computer science, mathem...
Glavni cilj rada bio je usporedba rezultata dobivenih uporabom različitih vjerojatnosnih funkcija. P...
Uplinjanje predstavlja obetavno tehnologijo pretvorbe biomase v visokokalorični plin, ki se lahko u...
Summarization: The pyrolysis of six waste biomass samples was studied and the fuels were kinetically...
Darbā ir izveidots un analizēts matemātiskais modelis biomasas gazifikācijai ar nelineāru diferenci...
The comprehensive description of the thermal degradation and combustion of biomass materials is a ve...
Šajā darbā tiek pētīts gazifikācijas procesa matemātiskais modelis. Tiek analizēta siltumapmaiņas re...
A modification of the simplified Distributed Activation Energy Model is proposed to simulate the pyr...
Modeling is a complex task combining elements of knowledge in the field of computer science, mathema...
This work investigates the thermal decomposition of forest waste for a non-linear temperature distri...
This work deals with pyrolysis decomposition of wood chips and the main components of wood by thermo...
The distributed activation energy model (DAEM) has been widely used to analyze the thermal decomposi...
This work is pivoted on the implementation of Monte Carlo simulation technique in the thermal decomp...
In this study, an investigation about the thermal behavior of four different woods was carried out. ...
Abstract Modelling is a complex task combining elements of knowledge in the field of computer scienc...
Modelling is a complex task combining elements of knowledge in the field of computer science, mathem...
Glavni cilj rada bio je usporedba rezultata dobivenih uporabom različitih vjerojatnosnih funkcija. P...
Uplinjanje predstavlja obetavno tehnologijo pretvorbe biomase v visokokalorični plin, ki se lahko u...
Summarization: The pyrolysis of six waste biomass samples was studied and the fuels were kinetically...
Darbā ir izveidots un analizēts matemātiskais modelis biomasas gazifikācijai ar nelineāru diferenci...
The comprehensive description of the thermal degradation and combustion of biomass materials is a ve...
Šajā darbā tiek pētīts gazifikācijas procesa matemātiskais modelis. Tiek analizēta siltumapmaiņas re...
A modification of the simplified Distributed Activation Energy Model is proposed to simulate the pyr...
Modeling is a complex task combining elements of knowledge in the field of computer science, mathema...
This work investigates the thermal decomposition of forest waste for a non-linear temperature distri...
This work deals with pyrolysis decomposition of wood chips and the main components of wood by thermo...
The distributed activation energy model (DAEM) has been widely used to analyze the thermal decomposi...
This work is pivoted on the implementation of Monte Carlo simulation technique in the thermal decomp...
In this study, an investigation about the thermal behavior of four different woods was carried out. ...
Abstract Modelling is a complex task combining elements of knowledge in the field of computer scienc...
Modelling is a complex task combining elements of knowledge in the field of computer science, mathem...