Ievads: ARDS ir akūts abpusējs difūzs plaušu bojājums, kas raksturojas ar pneimatizētu plaušu audu samazināšanos, plaušu asinsvadu caurlaidības un fizioloģiski mirusī telpas palielināšanos. Joprojām ARDS ir nozīmīgs mirstības cēlonis intensīvās terapijas pacientiem, to novēro vidēji 10 – 15% pacientiem, kas atrodas intensīvās terapijas nodaļās. Pulsoksimetrija pieejama visur, tā veicama ātrāk nekā asins gāzu analīze un var būt noderīga ARDS diagnostikā. Pētījums ir retrospektīvs un veikts RAKUS „Gaiļezers” arhīvā. Darbā ir analizēti dati no 50 pacientu stacionārā medicīniskām kārtēm, kam bija diagnoze „Pieaugušo akūts respiratorā distresa sindroms” un kuri bija stacionēti RAKUS „Gaiļezers” intensīvās terapijas nodaļās no 2013. līdz 2017. ga...
Aim: The aim of this paper is to present a novel approach for the monitoring of respiratory diseases...
Qëllimi dhe objektivat e studimit: Të përcaktojë nivelin optimal të PEEP-it me qëllim që të arrihet ...
AbstractObjectiveTo explore the easily applicable indicators of practical value to evaluate the prog...
The diagnosis of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) traditionally requires calculation of th...
Akūts respirators distresa sindroms (ARDS) ir viena no biežākajām komplikācijām, kas saistīta ar sma...
Akutni respiratorni distres sindrom (ARDS) je kliničko stanje nehidrostatskog plućnog edema i hipoks...
online programme at:
Publisher Copyright: © by Marina arkele 2015.Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is common an...
Uvod: Akutni respiracijski distres sindrom (ARDS) ozbiljan je, brzo progresivan poremećaj karakteriz...
Akutni respiracijski distres sindrom je karakteriziran akutno nastalom hipoksemijom i nekardiogenim...
Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is a severe and fatal condition characterized by severe h...
Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is defined as lung failure with a ratio of partial pressu...
Publisher Copyright: © by Marina Šarkele 2015.Acute respiratory distress syndrome is a common compli...
Microcirculatory dysfunction is very common in sepsis and may results in organ failure and increased...
Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is a clinically defined syndrome of hypoxia and bilateral...
Aim: The aim of this paper is to present a novel approach for the monitoring of respiratory diseases...
Qëllimi dhe objektivat e studimit: Të përcaktojë nivelin optimal të PEEP-it me qëllim që të arrihet ...
AbstractObjectiveTo explore the easily applicable indicators of practical value to evaluate the prog...
The diagnosis of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) traditionally requires calculation of th...
Akūts respirators distresa sindroms (ARDS) ir viena no biežākajām komplikācijām, kas saistīta ar sma...
Akutni respiratorni distres sindrom (ARDS) je kliničko stanje nehidrostatskog plućnog edema i hipoks...
online programme at:
Publisher Copyright: © by Marina arkele 2015.Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is common an...
Uvod: Akutni respiracijski distres sindrom (ARDS) ozbiljan je, brzo progresivan poremećaj karakteriz...
Akutni respiracijski distres sindrom je karakteriziran akutno nastalom hipoksemijom i nekardiogenim...
Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is a severe and fatal condition characterized by severe h...
Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is defined as lung failure with a ratio of partial pressu...
Publisher Copyright: © by Marina Šarkele 2015.Acute respiratory distress syndrome is a common compli...
Microcirculatory dysfunction is very common in sepsis and may results in organ failure and increased...
Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is a clinically defined syndrome of hypoxia and bilateral...
Aim: The aim of this paper is to present a novel approach for the monitoring of respiratory diseases...
Qëllimi dhe objektivat e studimit: Të përcaktojë nivelin optimal të PEEP-it me qëllim që të arrihet ...
AbstractObjectiveTo explore the easily applicable indicators of practical value to evaluate the prog...