Šis maģistra darbs ir veltīts 1926. un 1959. gadu filmu ”Šinelis” savstarpējai salīdzināšanai, kā arī salīdzināšanai ar atbilstošu literatūras virzienu kontekstu. Autors apraksta formālistu Gogoļa interpretāciju kopumā un konkrēti “Šineļa” interpretāciju, un ar šo kontekstu salīdzina 1926. gada filmu. Tas pats ir darīts ar 1959. gada filmu un tajā laikā valdošo padomju socioloģisko interpretāciju, kura ir pamatota uz Krievijas literatūras kritiķa G. Beļinska viedokļa. Tieši uz “Šinelis” piemēra – kā literāra darba un divām tā ekranizācijām, saite starp laterālās un režisūras interpretācijas ir redzama visvairāk, tāpēc tas arī bija izvēlēts no visiem tēmai atbilstošiem materiāliem. Darbs var būt interesants pētniekiem, kas nodarbojas ar līdz...
The main topic of this Bachelor´s thesis is the best known work of Nikolaj Vasiljevič Gogol, which i...
Nikolai Gogol has been an enigma that many scholars have attempted to understand. No one disputes hi...
UnrestrictedThis dissertation examines Nikolai Gogol’s fashioning of a hybrid national identity duri...
Bakalaura darbs veltīts salīdzinošajai analīzei N. Gogoļā garstāsta "Vijs" un tās 1967. gada ekarni...
International audienceFrom the birth of Russian cinema in 1908-1909 up to the present day, the works...
The article gives a new understanding of the forms of the presence of the "eastern text" in the arti...
The transfer of an artistic work from the literary medium to the filmic medium presents technical, p...
The article is an attempt to understand the approach to the interpretation of the literary text as ...
Edebiyatta öncü isimler ve eserler, bir geleneğin/yolun/akımın/anlayışın ilk önemli temsilcisi olduk...
Romas reprezentācija Gogoļa daiļdarē. Bakalaura darbs.-Rīga 2012.-54 lpp. . Bakalaura darbs «Romas ...
Béatrice Picon-Vallin, Gogol' — starting point of research on the grotesque in the theater and cinem...
The paper considers a new understanding of the forms of presence of the “Eastern text” in the artist...
The purpose of the article is to reveal the peculiarities of the interpretation of Gogol’s works in ...
This article examines the controversy around Gogol in relation to the history of the Russian intelli...
Darbs veltīts Nikolaja Gogoļa stāsta ekranizācijas “Taras Buļba” (Krievija, Ukraina, Polija, 2009, r...
The main topic of this Bachelor´s thesis is the best known work of Nikolaj Vasiljevič Gogol, which i...
Nikolai Gogol has been an enigma that many scholars have attempted to understand. No one disputes hi...
UnrestrictedThis dissertation examines Nikolai Gogol’s fashioning of a hybrid national identity duri...
Bakalaura darbs veltīts salīdzinošajai analīzei N. Gogoļā garstāsta "Vijs" un tās 1967. gada ekarni...
International audienceFrom the birth of Russian cinema in 1908-1909 up to the present day, the works...
The article gives a new understanding of the forms of the presence of the "eastern text" in the arti...
The transfer of an artistic work from the literary medium to the filmic medium presents technical, p...
The article is an attempt to understand the approach to the interpretation of the literary text as ...
Edebiyatta öncü isimler ve eserler, bir geleneğin/yolun/akımın/anlayışın ilk önemli temsilcisi olduk...
Romas reprezentācija Gogoļa daiļdarē. Bakalaura darbs.-Rīga 2012.-54 lpp. . Bakalaura darbs «Romas ...
Béatrice Picon-Vallin, Gogol' — starting point of research on the grotesque in the theater and cinem...
The paper considers a new understanding of the forms of presence of the “Eastern text” in the artist...
The purpose of the article is to reveal the peculiarities of the interpretation of Gogol’s works in ...
This article examines the controversy around Gogol in relation to the history of the Russian intelli...
Darbs veltīts Nikolaja Gogoļa stāsta ekranizācijas “Taras Buļba” (Krievija, Ukraina, Polija, 2009, r...
The main topic of this Bachelor´s thesis is the best known work of Nikolaj Vasiljevič Gogol, which i...
Nikolai Gogol has been an enigma that many scholars have attempted to understand. No one disputes hi...
UnrestrictedThis dissertation examines Nikolai Gogol’s fashioning of a hybrid national identity duri...