Maģistra darba „Alsungas vēja parka ainava: mājošana, subjektīvā uztvere un vietas identitāte” mērķis ir izvērtēt vēja parka nozīmi ainavas identitātes veidošanā un apzināt tā radīto ietekmi uz mājošanu Alsungas vēja parka ainavas piemērā. Pētījumā tika noskaidrots, ka vēja elektrostacijas ir kļuvušas par būtisku ainavas identitātes veidojošo elementu gan iedzīvotāju kolektīvā, gan individuālā skatījumā. Vēja elektrostaciju ietekme nosaka šīs nozīmes veidošanos un iedzīvotāju pieņemamību pret tām. Visbiežāk mājvietās, kas atrodas tuvāk vēja elektrostacijām izjūt to negatīvo ietekmi, bet tas nav vērtējams viennozīmīgi. Pētījumā tiek parādīts, ka Alsungas vēja parkā esošās trīs vēja elektrostaciju grupas ir kā trīs atšķirīgi un pat savstarpēj...
The process of wind turbine allocation which has already started in Croatia is currently based on th...
Renewable energy production takes on many forms; wind farms and their turbines are but one. Turbines...
There appears to be a disjuncture in the wind energy sector between the prevailing thinking in lands...
Rozwój energetyki wiatrowej oznacza wzrost zagrożenia dla krajobrazu, w tym jego walorów fizjonomicz...
Percepcija i karakteristike krajobraza mijenjaju se uvođenjem infrastrukturnih građevina. Vjetroelek...
Vēja enerģija ir viena no nozīmīgākiem atjaunojamiem resursiem. Tomēr, neskatoties uz to, ka vēja pa...
<p>The transformation of the landscape through wind farms is a relatively new<br />phenomenon in Rio...
Celem artykułu jest prezentacja i dyskusja wyników badań, przeprowadzonych przez autorów, dotyczącyc...
Early in 2013 as many as 5 wind farms were in operation in Kretinga region and the sixth was under c...
The dissertation compares expected and observed impacts of wind turbines on landscape character. Win...
Visual impact of wind farms located in the region of Šilutė is analyzed in the paper. In seeking to ...
Wind parks are the dominant element in the environment and landscape. Parks alter the identity of th...
This thesis deals with how meaningful landscapes are created through experiences in everyday life. A...
The world energy needs increasing in a significant number and currently it is mainly sourced from th...
This study examines the consequences that the establishment of wind power hasrelated to recreation a...
The process of wind turbine allocation which has already started in Croatia is currently based on th...
Renewable energy production takes on many forms; wind farms and their turbines are but one. Turbines...
There appears to be a disjuncture in the wind energy sector between the prevailing thinking in lands...
Rozwój energetyki wiatrowej oznacza wzrost zagrożenia dla krajobrazu, w tym jego walorów fizjonomicz...
Percepcija i karakteristike krajobraza mijenjaju se uvođenjem infrastrukturnih građevina. Vjetroelek...
Vēja enerģija ir viena no nozīmīgākiem atjaunojamiem resursiem. Tomēr, neskatoties uz to, ka vēja pa...
<p>The transformation of the landscape through wind farms is a relatively new<br />phenomenon in Rio...
Celem artykułu jest prezentacja i dyskusja wyników badań, przeprowadzonych przez autorów, dotyczącyc...
Early in 2013 as many as 5 wind farms were in operation in Kretinga region and the sixth was under c...
The dissertation compares expected and observed impacts of wind turbines on landscape character. Win...
Visual impact of wind farms located in the region of Šilutė is analyzed in the paper. In seeking to ...
Wind parks are the dominant element in the environment and landscape. Parks alter the identity of th...
This thesis deals with how meaningful landscapes are created through experiences in everyday life. A...
The world energy needs increasing in a significant number and currently it is mainly sourced from th...
This study examines the consequences that the establishment of wind power hasrelated to recreation a...
The process of wind turbine allocation which has already started in Croatia is currently based on th...
Renewable energy production takes on many forms; wind farms and their turbines are but one. Turbines...
There appears to be a disjuncture in the wind energy sector between the prevailing thinking in lands...