Lādiņnesēju kustīguma noteikšana ir būtiska vielas pielietojumu novērtēšanā. Organiskām gaismas emitējošām diodēm un organiskām saules šūnām ir nepieciešams sastāvēt no materiāliem ar augstu lādiņnesēju kustīgumu. Darba mērķis ir noteikt molekulārās struktūras ietekmi uz savienojuma lādiņnesēju kustīgumu, savienojumiem ar potenciālo pielietojumu saules elementiem vai gaismas izstarojošām diodēm. Darbā tika testēta maz pielietota lādiņnesēju kustīgumu noteikšanas metode, kā arī nomērīti kustīgumi četriem savienojumiem ar potenciālo pielietojumu saules šūnās un trīs savienojumiem ar potenciālo pielietojumu gaismas emitējošās diodēs. Darbā tika secināts, ka maz pielietotai mērījumu metodei ir nepieciešami uzlabojumi, kā arī pētīto savienojumu...
Non-equilibrated transport of charge carriers in the molecular material depends on the structure and...
Charge transport plays a key role in defining the performance of organic-based devices such as light...
This thesis deals with the preparation and characterization of novel organic semiconductors based on...
Vienas no lētākajām plānu kārtiņu iegūšanas metodēm ir liešanas metodes. Tādēļ mazmolekulārie savien...
The aim of this work was to design organic material’s sample and analyze the charge carrier transpor...
Charge transport properties of organic single crystals as materials for organic electronic devices a...
Maģistra darbā ir pētīta polāru (indandiona atvasinājumi) un nepolāru (cikliskie acēni) organisko mo...
This bachelor´s thesis deals with organic materials for use in photovoltaic energy conversion. A the...
The research field of organic electronics experiences tremendous developments since the discovery of...
The energy harnessing devices like solar cells based on organic materials known as organic solar cel...
© Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. Measuring the mobility of charge carriers by the ti...
Using tertraphenyl-carbazole-diamine based organic materials for the investigation of charge transpo...
[cat] El desenvolupament de nous semiconductors orgànics amb capacitat de transport de càrrega prese...
The main goal of this study is characteristics determination of synthesized or-ganic compounds for d...
The article presents a novel impedance spectroscopy based technique designed to characterise organic...
Non-equilibrated transport of charge carriers in the molecular material depends on the structure and...
Charge transport plays a key role in defining the performance of organic-based devices such as light...
This thesis deals with the preparation and characterization of novel organic semiconductors based on...
Vienas no lētākajām plānu kārtiņu iegūšanas metodēm ir liešanas metodes. Tādēļ mazmolekulārie savien...
The aim of this work was to design organic material’s sample and analyze the charge carrier transpor...
Charge transport properties of organic single crystals as materials for organic electronic devices a...
Maģistra darbā ir pētīta polāru (indandiona atvasinājumi) un nepolāru (cikliskie acēni) organisko mo...
This bachelor´s thesis deals with organic materials for use in photovoltaic energy conversion. A the...
The research field of organic electronics experiences tremendous developments since the discovery of...
The energy harnessing devices like solar cells based on organic materials known as organic solar cel...
© Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. Measuring the mobility of charge carriers by the ti...
Using tertraphenyl-carbazole-diamine based organic materials for the investigation of charge transpo...
[cat] El desenvolupament de nous semiconductors orgànics amb capacitat de transport de càrrega prese...
The main goal of this study is characteristics determination of synthesized or-ganic compounds for d...
The article presents a novel impedance spectroscopy based technique designed to characterise organic...
Non-equilibrated transport of charge carriers in the molecular material depends on the structure and...
Charge transport plays a key role in defining the performance of organic-based devices such as light...
This thesis deals with the preparation and characterization of novel organic semiconductors based on...