Introduction: Reports comparing clinical outcomes using nickel-titanium (NiTi) reciprocating instruments with other instrumentation modalities are scarce. This study examined initial shaping outcomes after an instrumentation change of root canal instrumentation technique in a doctor of dental surgery educational program. Student characteristics, faculty/student ratio, facility, and overall endodontic treatment guidelines remained unchanged. Methods: A total of 200 nonsurgical initial molar root canal treatments completed by third-year dental students were evaluated. The cases were examined regarding the number of treatment appointments, access cavity preparation, canal taper, canal transportation, perforations, missed canals, presence of le...
This study investigated which preparation strategy for root canals leads to the best technical prepa...
Objective: To compare the technical quality of root canal obturation in relation to rotary and manua...
Background. Dentistry has undergone an evolution in endodontics practice caused by the advancement o...
Introduction: Reports comparing clinical outcomes using nickel-titanium (NiTi) reciprocating instrum...
Aim: To verify the root canal treatment quality performed by dental school students with NiTi instru...
Background: Nickel-titanium (NiTi) instrumentation systems allow predictable dental root canal treat...
Aim To investigate clinical results of root canal treatment performed with the aid of nickel-titaniu...
AIM: To investigate clinical results of root canal treatment performed with the aid of nickel-titani...
Aim: To compare the quality of root canal treatment provided by dental students in relation to diffe...
Nickel-titanium rotary instruments are important adjuncts in endodontic therapy. This review attempt...
Background and Aim: Maintaining the original canal path and safety of canal preparation during instr...
Nickel-titanium rotary instruments are important adjuncts in endodontic therapy. This review attempt...
Aim: The purpose of this study was to compare the periapical healing of molar root canal treatment u...
INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this study was to assess canal preparation outcomes in vitro by novice ...
BACKGROUND: Dentistry has undergone an evolution in endodontics practice caused by the advancement o...
This study investigated which preparation strategy for root canals leads to the best technical prepa...
Objective: To compare the technical quality of root canal obturation in relation to rotary and manua...
Background. Dentistry has undergone an evolution in endodontics practice caused by the advancement o...
Introduction: Reports comparing clinical outcomes using nickel-titanium (NiTi) reciprocating instrum...
Aim: To verify the root canal treatment quality performed by dental school students with NiTi instru...
Background: Nickel-titanium (NiTi) instrumentation systems allow predictable dental root canal treat...
Aim To investigate clinical results of root canal treatment performed with the aid of nickel-titaniu...
AIM: To investigate clinical results of root canal treatment performed with the aid of nickel-titani...
Aim: To compare the quality of root canal treatment provided by dental students in relation to diffe...
Nickel-titanium rotary instruments are important adjuncts in endodontic therapy. This review attempt...
Background and Aim: Maintaining the original canal path and safety of canal preparation during instr...
Nickel-titanium rotary instruments are important adjuncts in endodontic therapy. This review attempt...
Aim: The purpose of this study was to compare the periapical healing of molar root canal treatment u...
INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this study was to assess canal preparation outcomes in vitro by novice ...
BACKGROUND: Dentistry has undergone an evolution in endodontics practice caused by the advancement o...
This study investigated which preparation strategy for root canals leads to the best technical prepa...
Objective: To compare the technical quality of root canal obturation in relation to rotary and manua...
Background. Dentistry has undergone an evolution in endodontics practice caused by the advancement o...