The petrology, geochemistry, and fluid history of calc-silicate rocks and associated primary Cu-Co mineralization in the Ethiudna Mines area, Olary Province, South Australia

  • Grguric, B.
Publication date
January 1992


This item is only available electronically.Textures in calc-silicate rocks of the Lower Proterozoic Bimba Suite in the Ethiudna mines area, Olary Province, South Australia, record multiple fluid infiltrational episodes associated with both prograde, amphibolite-facies, and retrograde, greenschist-facies metamorphism. Pervasive infiltration of H2O-rich fluids (XCO2<0.18) during prograde metamorphism, was associated with the large-scale development of wollastonite-rich lithologies within the Bimba Suite. Stable oxygen isotope evidence suggests these fluids were equilibrated with siliciclastic sequence(s) prior to infiltrating the Bimba Suite. A second, retrograde metamorphic (temperatures -300oC) infiltrational episode was associated wit...

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