Studies were carried out to determine the most suitable diet for rearing beetle and to develop a mass rearing technique by which pine sawyer beetle (Monochamus alternatus) could be reared from larvae to adults without need for periodic care. Eleven diets and two temperature regimes were tested. Diets were grouped into: Chemically defined diets; plant tissue diets; natural diets and silk worm diet. Larvae were reared individually in petri dishes. Their growth rate and body sizes were compared with the pine sawyer beetles collected from the forest. Suitability of the diet was evaluated using a 13 point rating system. Controlled temperature treatments were superior to room temperature treatments. Log diet was the best diet tested but bark diet...
Colorado potato beetles have been reared successfully through 12 generations on artificial diets con...
The sweetgum inscriber, Acanthotomicus suncei (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae), is a recently...
The rearing of Elaeidobius kamerunicus is difficult as it required the anthesis male inflorescence o...
Studies were carried out to determine the most suitable diet for rearing beetle and to develop a mas...
1)1973年から1974年にかけて半田山演習林におけるまつくい虫と材線虫の材の中における季節的消長を調査した. 2)マツの樹皮下にはマツノマダラカミキリ,ムナクボカミキリ,マツノシラホシゾウ,クロキ...
(1)マツノマダラカミキリ羽化は5月31日から始まり7月20日までの51日間続いて,羽化ピークは6月18日であった. (2)マツの枯損木10本から516頭のマツノマダラカミキリが羽化し,その体中から最...
We developed a suitable diet for mass rearing of Cryptolestes ferrugineus (Stephens) populations und...
At Hagi-district, Honshu, Chilocorus kuwanae Silvestri, an important natural enemy of Unaspis yanone...
農学 昆虫世界の謎解きThe common cutworm, Spodoptera litura (F.), is one of the most destructive polyphagous pe...
We studied the usefulness of wood- and cellulose-based diets for L. africanus Lesne. Three diets wer...
Coraebus undatus is the main insect pest of cork oak worldwide. The larvae tunnel in the cortical ca...
斑星天牛Anoplophora macularia ( Thomson ))為台灣危害柑橘最重要之基幹害蟲,經記錄之寄主植物達50種以上。本蟲每年發生一世代,成蟲多在4月初至10月間出現,以6至7月間...
The present experiment was undertaken to find the relation between the nutrition of insects and the ...
長角象鼻蟲(Araecerus fasciculatus)之食性甚雜,如農產品或中藥材常受嚴重為害。該蟲在本省,年生6世代,每世代需282~86.6天,平均48.8天。卵期3~15天,平均6.1天。孵...
Colorado potato beetles have been reared successfully through 12 generations on artificial diets con...
The sweetgum inscriber, Acanthotomicus suncei (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae), is a recently...
The rearing of Elaeidobius kamerunicus is difficult as it required the anthesis male inflorescence o...
Studies were carried out to determine the most suitable diet for rearing beetle and to develop a mas...
1)1973年から1974年にかけて半田山演習林におけるまつくい虫と材線虫の材の中における季節的消長を調査した. 2)マツの樹皮下にはマツノマダラカミキリ,ムナクボカミキリ,マツノシラホシゾウ,クロキ...
(1)マツノマダラカミキリ羽化は5月31日から始まり7月20日までの51日間続いて,羽化ピークは6月18日であった. (2)マツの枯損木10本から516頭のマツノマダラカミキリが羽化し,その体中から最...
We developed a suitable diet for mass rearing of Cryptolestes ferrugineus (Stephens) populations und...
At Hagi-district, Honshu, Chilocorus kuwanae Silvestri, an important natural enemy of Unaspis yanone...
農学 昆虫世界の謎解きThe common cutworm, Spodoptera litura (F.), is one of the most destructive polyphagous pe...
We studied the usefulness of wood- and cellulose-based diets for L. africanus Lesne. Three diets wer...
Coraebus undatus is the main insect pest of cork oak worldwide. The larvae tunnel in the cortical ca...
斑星天牛Anoplophora macularia ( Thomson ))為台灣危害柑橘最重要之基幹害蟲,經記錄之寄主植物達50種以上。本蟲每年發生一世代,成蟲多在4月初至10月間出現,以6至7月間...
The present experiment was undertaken to find the relation between the nutrition of insects and the ...
長角象鼻蟲(Araecerus fasciculatus)之食性甚雜,如農產品或中藥材常受嚴重為害。該蟲在本省,年生6世代,每世代需282~86.6天,平均48.8天。卵期3~15天,平均6.1天。孵...
Colorado potato beetles have been reared successfully through 12 generations on artificial diets con...
The sweetgum inscriber, Acanthotomicus suncei (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae), is a recently...
The rearing of Elaeidobius kamerunicus is difficult as it required the anthesis male inflorescence o...