We treat 61 species of Boletales, collected between 1981 and 1985 in Catalonia, with indication of their localisation (UTM). We comment some species of critical determination or special interest.Se citan 61 especies comprendidas en este orden, recolectadas durante los años 1981 a 1985 en Cataluña, con indicación de sus coordenadas UTM y algunos comentarios sobre especies de determinación crítica o de interés especial
Se comenta la presencia y corología de algunos táxones no conocidos anteriormente del Prepirineo cen...
New or rarely recorded fungi from Catalonia and Andorra, II. Account of 8 species of Ascomycetes and...
A preliminary list of fungi collected in late autumn of 1977 in the region of Murcia (SE Spain), inc...
Espècies descrites en el llibre "Setas para todos" recol·lectades a Catalunya. En aquest arti...
We list here 135 species, collected since January 1991 to July 1998, that are to be added to the 362...
Floristic and corologic contributions about Aphyllophorales. The 101 species identified were collect...
Corologic contributions on Ascomycetes. The 65 species identified were collected in 85 localities of...
Second contribution to the catalogue of fungi observed in Catalonian littoral mountains, in the Coll...
Se muestran los resultados de algunas excursiones y el catálogo de las especies de macromicetes reco...
Es presenten els resultats d'un primer estudi deIs fongs de 1'Espai Rural de Gallees , en forma de c...
M.S. Sanclamente: Floristic and corologic contributions about Tricholomataceae. The 35 species ident...
Contribution to the study of the genus Coprinus Pers. in Catalonia. 1. Six rare or interesting speci...
Es descriuen, citen o comenten 1 ascomicet i 13 basidiomicets trobats a Catalunya, especialment en b...
From Catalonia and its neighbouring territories some poorly documented plants, as well as a few prev...
Se citan 103 especies de hongos, 12 Ascomycetes y 91 Basidiomycetes, recolectados en hayedo, pinar y...
Se comenta la presencia y corología de algunos táxones no conocidos anteriormente del Prepirineo cen...
New or rarely recorded fungi from Catalonia and Andorra, II. Account of 8 species of Ascomycetes and...
A preliminary list of fungi collected in late autumn of 1977 in the region of Murcia (SE Spain), inc...
Espècies descrites en el llibre "Setas para todos" recol·lectades a Catalunya. En aquest arti...
We list here 135 species, collected since January 1991 to July 1998, that are to be added to the 362...
Floristic and corologic contributions about Aphyllophorales. The 101 species identified were collect...
Corologic contributions on Ascomycetes. The 65 species identified were collected in 85 localities of...
Second contribution to the catalogue of fungi observed in Catalonian littoral mountains, in the Coll...
Se muestran los resultados de algunas excursiones y el catálogo de las especies de macromicetes reco...
Es presenten els resultats d'un primer estudi deIs fongs de 1'Espai Rural de Gallees , en forma de c...
M.S. Sanclamente: Floristic and corologic contributions about Tricholomataceae. The 35 species ident...
Contribution to the study of the genus Coprinus Pers. in Catalonia. 1. Six rare or interesting speci...
Es descriuen, citen o comenten 1 ascomicet i 13 basidiomicets trobats a Catalunya, especialment en b...
From Catalonia and its neighbouring territories some poorly documented plants, as well as a few prev...
Se citan 103 especies de hongos, 12 Ascomycetes y 91 Basidiomycetes, recolectados en hayedo, pinar y...
Se comenta la presencia y corología de algunos táxones no conocidos anteriormente del Prepirineo cen...
New or rarely recorded fungi from Catalonia and Andorra, II. Account of 8 species of Ascomycetes and...
A preliminary list of fungi collected in late autumn of 1977 in the region of Murcia (SE Spain), inc...