Some interestin g species of Phlegmacium (Cortlnarius) from the Basque-Cantabrian green-oak woods. A full macroscopic and microscopic description of 4 rare species of the genus Phlegmacium is given in this paper, along with colour pictures and sporal drawings. The material was collected by the authors in the Basque provinces of Biscay and Alava and in the neighbouring province of Cantabria (northem Spain). Cortinarius lamprocreas and C. Pallens are particularly interesting. Also, C. Ionochlorus is reported from a location close to the Cantabrian Sea.Algunos Phlegmacium(Cortinarius) interesantes de encinares vasco-cantàbricos. Se describen macroscópica y microscópicamente 4 Phlegmacium (a destacar Cortinarius lamprocreas y C. Pallens) reco...
Seven species are macro and microscopically described Amanita baccata (Fr.) Gill., Conocybe coprophi...
54 species of aphyllophorales collected in the Pinus sylvestris L forest from Navarra (Spain) are co...
Contribution to the fungal nora of the Pyrenean and Pre-Pirenean areas of Catalonia. II. Sorne speci...
Note on Pliaeocollybia (Agaricales) from Spain. Phaeocollybia lugubris (Fr.) Heim is reported from ...
Espècies descrites en el llibre "Setas para todos" recol·lectades a Catalunya. En aquest arti...
.Contribució a l'estudi del génere Cortinarius a Catalunya.III. Es descriuen i comenten 26 espècies...
In this work the parasit species of the genus Phyllosticta of vegetals from differents locations in ...
Es descriuen, citen o comenten 1 ascomicet i 13 basidiomicets trobats a Catalunya, especialment en b...
Contribution to the study of the genus Coprinus Pers. in Catalonia. 1. Six rare or interesting speci...
Second contribution to the catalogue of fungi observed in Catalonian littoral mountains, in the Coll...
Floristic and corologic contributions about Aphyllophorales. The 101 species identified were collect...
This paper compiles chorological novelties from SE Spain, new records for Albacete province (Blupeur...
The genus Phaeocollybia R. Heim (Cortinariaceae) in the Iberian Peninsula. In this article P. Arduen...
On checking herbarium material of the genus Gastridium Beauv. in BC (Institut Botànic de Barcelona) ...
This work deals with 30 species of Ascomycetes, 15 of which are new to the flora of Catalonia. Of sp...
Seven species are macro and microscopically described Amanita baccata (Fr.) Gill., Conocybe coprophi...
54 species of aphyllophorales collected in the Pinus sylvestris L forest from Navarra (Spain) are co...
Contribution to the fungal nora of the Pyrenean and Pre-Pirenean areas of Catalonia. II. Sorne speci...
Note on Pliaeocollybia (Agaricales) from Spain. Phaeocollybia lugubris (Fr.) Heim is reported from ...
Espècies descrites en el llibre "Setas para todos" recol·lectades a Catalunya. En aquest arti...
.Contribució a l'estudi del génere Cortinarius a Catalunya.III. Es descriuen i comenten 26 espècies...
In this work the parasit species of the genus Phyllosticta of vegetals from differents locations in ...
Es descriuen, citen o comenten 1 ascomicet i 13 basidiomicets trobats a Catalunya, especialment en b...
Contribution to the study of the genus Coprinus Pers. in Catalonia. 1. Six rare or interesting speci...
Second contribution to the catalogue of fungi observed in Catalonian littoral mountains, in the Coll...
Floristic and corologic contributions about Aphyllophorales. The 101 species identified were collect...
This paper compiles chorological novelties from SE Spain, new records for Albacete province (Blupeur...
The genus Phaeocollybia R. Heim (Cortinariaceae) in the Iberian Peninsula. In this article P. Arduen...
On checking herbarium material of the genus Gastridium Beauv. in BC (Institut Botànic de Barcelona) ...
This work deals with 30 species of Ascomycetes, 15 of which are new to the flora of Catalonia. Of sp...
Seven species are macro and microscopically described Amanita baccata (Fr.) Gill., Conocybe coprophi...
54 species of aphyllophorales collected in the Pinus sylvestris L forest from Navarra (Spain) are co...
Contribution to the fungal nora of the Pyrenean and Pre-Pirenean areas of Catalonia. II. Sorne speci...