Aquest treball tracta sobre la identitat personal. És a dir, aquest treball tracta la qüestió de què és el que determina que una mateixa persona segueixi existint al llarg del temps malgrat tots els canvis que es puguin produir en les seves propietats (qui fa 80 anys era un nena petita ara és una àvia, però la nena i l’àvia són la mateixa persona). Preguntar-nos per aquesta qüestió és una forma de mirar d’aportar llum a la qüestió més general: què és una persona? La identitat personal va lligada a la responsabilitat moral i a les expectatives davant el que ha de passar. Veurem que hi ha dos criteris bàsi...
It is argued here that it is part of our concept of a ‘person’ that persons should be, by its nature...
Locke’s account of personal identity has been highly influential because of its emphasis on a psycho...
The contemporary problem of personal identity can be traced to Locke's initial formulation of the p...
O objetivo dessa dissertação é realizar uma análise crítica da teoria que intenta explicar a naturez...
According to the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, John Locke holds that personal identity is a m...
Se argumenta aquí que es parte de nuestro concepto de ‘persona’ que las personas deben ser, por su n...
El problema de la identidad personal será considerado en este artículo en tres momentos. El primero ...
Anotace Cílem této bakalářské práce je porozumět pojmu osobní identity prostřednictvím tří hlavn...
John Locke claims both that ‘person’ is a forensic term and that personal identity consists in same...
This study seeks to follow the intellectual path of Paul Ricœur at grips with the notion of identity...
Si bien es mucho lo que se ha dicho y lo que aún se puede decir sobre la producción filosófica mod...
In thin paper I shall examine the problem of personal Identity ns dealt with by John Locke. There ar...
La identidad personal es el tema central del pensamiento de Derek Parfit y su principal argumento en...
Personal identity is the main topic in Derek Parfi’s works, and his principal argument for an utilit...
The thesis deals with the relations between Locke's theory of personal identity, its "classical" cri...
It is argued here that it is part of our concept of a ‘person’ that persons should be, by its nature...
Locke’s account of personal identity has been highly influential because of its emphasis on a psycho...
The contemporary problem of personal identity can be traced to Locke's initial formulation of the p...
O objetivo dessa dissertação é realizar uma análise crítica da teoria que intenta explicar a naturez...
According to the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, John Locke holds that personal identity is a m...
Se argumenta aquí que es parte de nuestro concepto de ‘persona’ que las personas deben ser, por su n...
El problema de la identidad personal será considerado en este artículo en tres momentos. El primero ...
Anotace Cílem této bakalářské práce je porozumět pojmu osobní identity prostřednictvím tří hlavn...
John Locke claims both that ‘person’ is a forensic term and that personal identity consists in same...
This study seeks to follow the intellectual path of Paul Ricœur at grips with the notion of identity...
Si bien es mucho lo que se ha dicho y lo que aún se puede decir sobre la producción filosófica mod...
In thin paper I shall examine the problem of personal Identity ns dealt with by John Locke. There ar...
La identidad personal es el tema central del pensamiento de Derek Parfit y su principal argumento en...
Personal identity is the main topic in Derek Parfi’s works, and his principal argument for an utilit...
The thesis deals with the relations between Locke's theory of personal identity, its "classical" cri...
It is argued here that it is part of our concept of a ‘person’ that persons should be, by its nature...
Locke’s account of personal identity has been highly influential because of its emphasis on a psycho...
The contemporary problem of personal identity can be traced to Locke's initial formulation of the p...