Si bé el sentit del «jo» (self) ha estat a bastament analitzat en una àmplia varietat d’escoles i disciplines, el sentit de l’«altre» no ha estat tan desenvolupat. La present comunicació defensa, amb el suport d’un ampli ventall de teories de la psicologia, la filosofia i la sociologia, així com de diversos elements de cosmovisions tradicionals, que el sentit de l’altre juga un rol essencial en l’experiència humana, amb valor proper al del «jo» (self). La comunicació classifica les diferents formes de concebre l’alteritat en quatre categories ordenades per rellevància creixent, mostrant així el rol fonamental de l&...
The thesis aspires to present Otherness as an important phenomenon pervading broad spectrum of socio...
Assuming Arana’s thesis of La conciencia inexplicada that consciousness cannot be explained by natu...
This work privileges the subject of otherness, taking it as a theme for a dialogue between psychoana...
A temática constituição do sujeito vem se caracterizando como objeto de discussões em diferentes ori...
O presente trabalho consiste em um estudo acerca do impacto psíquico provocado pela experiência da a...
The thesis aspires to present Otherness as an important phenomenon pervading broad spectrum of socio...
Otherness is an intricate concept which is at the core of human ontology. In fact, this alterity is ...
This article approaches the concept of otherness in a correlation between Psychoanalysis and Educati...
El presente artículo lleva a cabo una descripción sintética, pero acabada de la alteridad en Ser y T...
El moviment transhumanista ha anat guanyant rellevància mediàtica durant els darrers a...
The author outlines the concept of positive otherness or negative around the social and institutiona...
27 pagesExamining subjectivity and its association with a relocated body in diasporic circumstances ...
Resumen: De acuerdo con el autor, la capacidad del alma de conocerse a sí misma está en la raíz del ...
In introducing the present issue, we make clear that the concept of the other is susceptible to so m...
La concepción del otro presente en la tradición filosófica tiene como rasgo común, para Merleau-Pont...
The thesis aspires to present Otherness as an important phenomenon pervading broad spectrum of socio...
Assuming Arana’s thesis of La conciencia inexplicada that consciousness cannot be explained by natu...
This work privileges the subject of otherness, taking it as a theme for a dialogue between psychoana...
A temática constituição do sujeito vem se caracterizando como objeto de discussões em diferentes ori...
O presente trabalho consiste em um estudo acerca do impacto psíquico provocado pela experiência da a...
The thesis aspires to present Otherness as an important phenomenon pervading broad spectrum of socio...
Otherness is an intricate concept which is at the core of human ontology. In fact, this alterity is ...
This article approaches the concept of otherness in a correlation between Psychoanalysis and Educati...
El presente artículo lleva a cabo una descripción sintética, pero acabada de la alteridad en Ser y T...
El moviment transhumanista ha anat guanyant rellevància mediàtica durant els darrers a...
The author outlines the concept of positive otherness or negative around the social and institutiona...
27 pagesExamining subjectivity and its association with a relocated body in diasporic circumstances ...
Resumen: De acuerdo con el autor, la capacidad del alma de conocerse a sí misma está en la raíz del ...
In introducing the present issue, we make clear that the concept of the other is susceptible to so m...
La concepción del otro presente en la tradición filosófica tiene como rasgo común, para Merleau-Pont...
The thesis aspires to present Otherness as an important phenomenon pervading broad spectrum of socio...
Assuming Arana’s thesis of La conciencia inexplicada that consciousness cannot be explained by natu...
This work privileges the subject of otherness, taking it as a theme for a dialogue between psychoana...