L’objectiu d’aquest treball és fer una diagnosi de l’incendi ocorregut l’any 1998 a la Catalunya Central, a partir de l’anàlisi dels canvis en les cobertes del sòl a diferents escales i la seva relació amb els Grans Incendis Forestals (GIF). Metodològicament, l’estudi combina l’anàlisi quantitativa (cobertes del sòl) amb l’anàlisi qualitativa (entrevistes a dos propietaris de finques afectades). L’anàlisi dels canvis s’ha realitzat a escala d’incendi i de finca, en els períodes 1956-2009, 1956-1993 i 1993-2009. Els resultats a escala d’incendi mostren una tendència a la transició foresta...
Póster presentado en la Reunión Internacional Fuegored 2015, celebrada en Málaga (18-21 de noviembre...
Forest fires are a problem that arises in different places of the world, either for anthropogenic or...
En el presente artículo se analiza el riesgo que los incendios forestales representan para el equil...
The relations between disturbance regime and landscape patterns have been developed from a theoretic...
Land uses and their relationship with socio-economic factors are a key aspect in the management of w...
Wildfires are natural perturbations that affect the structure of the landscape and biodiversity. In ...
En los Pirineos el fuego ha sido una de las herramientas más antiguas y eficientes de la historia de...
Fire is one of the oldest and most efficient tools for managing land use in the Pyrenees and has con...
Fire is one of the main disturbance factors shaping the landscape, and landscape is a key driver of ...
Spanish Mediterranean coast is one of the Iberian Peninsular zones more damage by forest fire proble...
Aim of study: Large wildland fires (LWF) are major disturbance processes affecting many ecosystems e...
The Iberian Peninsula has a long history of fire, as the Central Mountain System, from the Estrela m...
This thesis explores representation in landscape architecture as a means of integrating wildfires as...
RESUMEN Actualmente, los incendios forestales son uno de los mayores problemas medioambientales a ni...
Fire is one of the main disturbance factors shaping the landscape, and landscape is a key driver of...
Póster presentado en la Reunión Internacional Fuegored 2015, celebrada en Málaga (18-21 de noviembre...
Forest fires are a problem that arises in different places of the world, either for anthropogenic or...
En el presente artículo se analiza el riesgo que los incendios forestales representan para el equil...
The relations between disturbance regime and landscape patterns have been developed from a theoretic...
Land uses and their relationship with socio-economic factors are a key aspect in the management of w...
Wildfires are natural perturbations that affect the structure of the landscape and biodiversity. In ...
En los Pirineos el fuego ha sido una de las herramientas más antiguas y eficientes de la historia de...
Fire is one of the oldest and most efficient tools for managing land use in the Pyrenees and has con...
Fire is one of the main disturbance factors shaping the landscape, and landscape is a key driver of ...
Spanish Mediterranean coast is one of the Iberian Peninsular zones more damage by forest fire proble...
Aim of study: Large wildland fires (LWF) are major disturbance processes affecting many ecosystems e...
The Iberian Peninsula has a long history of fire, as the Central Mountain System, from the Estrela m...
This thesis explores representation in landscape architecture as a means of integrating wildfires as...
RESUMEN Actualmente, los incendios forestales son uno de los mayores problemas medioambientales a ni...
Fire is one of the main disturbance factors shaping the landscape, and landscape is a key driver of...
Póster presentado en la Reunión Internacional Fuegored 2015, celebrada en Málaga (18-21 de noviembre...
Forest fires are a problem that arises in different places of the world, either for anthropogenic or...
En el presente artículo se analiza el riesgo que los incendios forestales representan para el equil...