Multiprocessors have emerged as a powerful computing means for running real-time applications, especially where a uniprocessor system would not be sufficient enough to execute all the tasks. The high performance and reliability of multiprocessors have made them a powerful computing resource. Such computing environment requires an efficient algorithm to determine when and on which processor a given task should execute. This paper investigates dynamic scheduling of real-time tasks in a multiprocessor system to obtain a feasible solution using genetic algorithms combined with well-known heuristics, such as 'Earliest Deadline First' and 'Shortest Computation Time First'. A comparative study of the results obtained from simulations shows that ge...
We have developed a genetic algorithm (GA) approach to the problem of task scheduling for multiproce...
Abstract—In recent years the multi-core era started to affect embedded systems, changing some of the...
We have developed a genetic algorithm (GA) approach to the problem of task scheduling for multiproce...
Multiprocessors have emerged as a powerful computing means for running real-time applications, espec...
This paper presents an investigation into the optimal scheduling of realtime tasks of a multiproces...
Multiprocessors have evolved as powerful computing tools for executing dynamic real time tasks. The ...
Purpose of the study:The real-time task scheduling on multiprocessor system is known as an NP-hard p...
Task scheduling is essential for the suitable operation of multiprocessor systems. The task scheduli...
This paper presents the development of genetic algorithm approach to schedule tasks on a multiproces...
In the multíprocessor schedulíng problem a given program is to be scheduled in a given multiprocesso...
Multiprocessor Scheduling Problem (MSP) is an NP-complete optimization problem. The applications of ...
Efficient multiprocessor task scheduling is a long-studied and difficult problem that continues to b...
System is using multiple processors for computing and information processing, is increasing rapidly ...
AbstractThe scheduling of programs on parallel hardware is investigated in order to minimize the res...
International audienceThe problem of multiprocessor scheduling consists in finding a schedule for a ...
We have developed a genetic algorithm (GA) approach to the problem of task scheduling for multiproce...
Abstract—In recent years the multi-core era started to affect embedded systems, changing some of the...
We have developed a genetic algorithm (GA) approach to the problem of task scheduling for multiproce...
Multiprocessors have emerged as a powerful computing means for running real-time applications, espec...
This paper presents an investigation into the optimal scheduling of realtime tasks of a multiproces...
Multiprocessors have evolved as powerful computing tools for executing dynamic real time tasks. The ...
Purpose of the study:The real-time task scheduling on multiprocessor system is known as an NP-hard p...
Task scheduling is essential for the suitable operation of multiprocessor systems. The task scheduli...
This paper presents the development of genetic algorithm approach to schedule tasks on a multiproces...
In the multíprocessor schedulíng problem a given program is to be scheduled in a given multiprocesso...
Multiprocessor Scheduling Problem (MSP) is an NP-complete optimization problem. The applications of ...
Efficient multiprocessor task scheduling is a long-studied and difficult problem that continues to b...
System is using multiple processors for computing and information processing, is increasing rapidly ...
AbstractThe scheduling of programs on parallel hardware is investigated in order to minimize the res...
International audienceThe problem of multiprocessor scheduling consists in finding a schedule for a ...
We have developed a genetic algorithm (GA) approach to the problem of task scheduling for multiproce...
Abstract—In recent years the multi-core era started to affect embedded systems, changing some of the...
We have developed a genetic algorithm (GA) approach to the problem of task scheduling for multiproce...