In this paper we explore ¿rst passage percolation (FPP) on the Erdös-Rényi random graph Gn(pn), where each edge is given an independent exponential edge weight with rate 1. In the sparse regime, i.e., when npn ¿ ¿ > 1, we ¿nd re¿ned asymptotics both for the minimal weight of the path between uniformly chosen vertices in the giant component, as well as for the hopcount (i.e., the number of edges) on this minimal weight path. More precisely, we prove a central limit theorem for the hopcount, with asymptotic mean and variance both equal to ¿/(¿ - 1) log n. Furthermore, we prove that the minimal weight centered by log n/(¿ - 1) converges in distribution. We also investigate the dense regime, where npn ¿ 8. We ¿nd that although the base graph is...