We study the critical behavior for inhomogeneous versions of the Curie-Weiss model, where the coupling constant Jij(β) for the edge ij on the complete graph is given by Jij(β) = βwiwj/ (∑ k∈[N]wk). We call the product form of these couplings the rank-1 inhomogeneous Curie-Weiss model. This model also arises [with inverse temperature β replaced by sinh (β) ] from the annealed Ising model on the generalized random graph. We assume that the vertex weights (wi)i∈[N] are regular, in the sense that their empirical distribution converges and the second moment converges as well. We identify the critical temperatures and exponents for these models, as well as a non-classical limit theorem for the total spin at the critical point. These depend sensit...